Tuesday 31 January 2017

Shout Out: Vitamin String Quartet

Just managed to get one last post in before February! However, as you can probably tell, it's a bit of a rushed one.

I've mentioned the Vitamin String Quartet once on this blog before but if you aren't aware of them, they're an American/Canadian outfit that covers popular songs from a variety of Pop/Rock based genres using nothing but percussion and string instruments. Their material has been used in a few TV episodes now and then but their work is still largely ignored by mainstream media, presumably due to the fact that their basically a stripped down covers band.
Anyway, this is my way of giving them a thumbs up to anyone who reads my blog. Whilst their material may not always be superior to the original versions, some of their covers are fucking ace and arguably better suited to the tone of the song with acoustic strings than full on electric instruments. Normally I'd discuss the album that I've giving a shout out to but if you read the title of this post carefully, you would've noticed that I'm recommending the band itself, not one of their many, many, many albums.
The main reason for this is because this band doesn't exist to release hit singles or solid albums like your conventional band; they release a shitload of covers for you to dip into, listening to songs you know and/or like to hear how they sound with strings. Naturally I'd recommend searching through the entire Spotify catalogue of Vitamin String Quartet but if you don't have the time or patience, I've compiled a mini playlist containing some of my favourite string covers that get progressively better as you advance through the list.
There's also material from the Midnite String Quartet and String Tribute Players who are basically inferior versions of the VSQ thrown in too.

Apologies for the lack of a proper blog post to finish January but I'm guessing we all have more pressing matters to be worried about right now. On the plus side, at least you have a soothing collection of string covers to enjoy as the world goes to shit!

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