Thursday 25 July 2013


If you would describe your taste in music as "a little bit of everything", fuck off now.
Seriously, just fuck off.
Hit the Back button or the Close button or I don't care, just go toddling back to your Facebook page and carry on posting updates about where you and your "bezzy mates" are going during the holidays along with several hundred pictures of yourself dressed like a shop floor mannequin or fratboy prick and don't come back until you learn the meaning of what you've just said.
There are so many genres AND subgenres in the world of Music that claiming to listen to "a little bit of everything" is like saying you've been everywhere on planet Earth, including the upper atmosphere and crushing depths of the ocean floor. You fucking haven't. What you're trying to say is you listen to a little bit of 'anything' and that if there's a song you enjoy on the radio, regardless of whether it's Rock/Jazz/Techno/etc, you'll listen to it.

Besides, most of the time when people say that, they immediately follow it with "...but mostly chart, dance, hip-hop or anything with a good beat". These are the same people who probably go onto Twitter and ask who famous people in the trending topics are, forgetting that they're less than a couple of clicks away from the Internet's most famous search engine on the world's biggest information database. But discussing the intellectual mechanics of dumbasses can wait for now.
So, here you are! My blog.
Simply put, this is a place for carefully constructed thoughts and opinions on different albums, setlists, compilations and other musical collections out there written by some guy on Twitter you might already follow but largely ignore due to all his tweets about Guitar Hero and, well, music...along with Virgin Media, Steve Wright and just about anything else that's pissing him off.
If you're an avid reader of my 140-character ramblings, first of all thank you. Second of all, you should understand how I write by now. Usually with frustration, foul language, similes and cultural references. This blog is yet another receptacle for these wordstreams but this time, it'll be focused almost entirely on music. Once in a while, I may get bored and post about a film or something. Who knows, maybe I'll be so engrossed in my own life that I'll just stop posting on here and move onto another project, abandoning this little blog like a childhood toy in the attic.
However, the majority of my posts will concern my thoughts on songs and why I enjoy/despise them.

Few things I'd like to get right off the bat, though.
1) This blog is the work of someone highly opinionated and, by most accounts, pretty fucking stressy. I will most likely write some utter shite in a fit of rage but I also believe I have the ability to calm down and type pieces worth reading if you too are into your Rock music. Also, lightly touched upon but not outright explained, all the posts presented on this blog will be opinions unless otherwise stated.
2) The people I'm writing for are ones who are ideally into Rock, Hard Rock, Classic Rock, Metal and other various Rock subgenres popular through the 1960s to the 1990s, with a few posts on 00s and 10s material. Remember that little mini-rant at the start of this post? It wasn't just a wee taster of my ranting style for newcomers. It was in order to clear out the contemporary pop loving tween-tosspots who wouldn't know Hendrix from Blackmore.
3) I will not be reviewing music, depending on your definition of a 'review'. Personally, I think a review is supposed to be non-biased and informative on a relatively neutral level. As soon as you have pre-conceived tastes towards a genre or even the product you're reviewing that manage to worm themselves into your final critique, you've written a reaction instead.
So what am I going to be typing up? Well, that depends on the nature of my post. If I'm talking about a certain album, I'll probably list the tracks and type up a little bit about each one with my thoughts on each in my own brand of informal wordplay. It's hard to explain without actually having any posts to use as an example but if you revisit this blog in the near future, I'm sure you'll see what I mean.
4) Feedback is welcomed. If you agree with what I say, post a comment about the tracks you liked/disliked. If you disagree with my thoughts, post your opinions for me to think about. If you're a cunt sending spam or abuse, it'll give me something to mock after I stop laughing at your piss poor attempt at "trolling" and the subatomic size your cock must be if you feel it necessary to waste your time trying to get an irritated reaction from someone who would literally not give a single toss if you fell eyeball first onto an upright sharpened pencil.

With that settled, I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing for it...and I hope to Christ that I enjoy writing thoughts on music as much as I enjoy listening to it. Be seeing you!

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