Wednesday 18 June 2014

Tenology: My Favourite Tracks From SSBB

Another Tenology post? Oh goody, more of my opinions!
It's OK though because this post isn't designed to be so...well, hostile. These aren't 10 things that annoy me or are gonna come with a rant. They're 10 musical tracks that I have arranged into a descending order of my favourites. Yep, this time it IS an appropriate use of "Top 10"...but I'm still calling it a Tenology because music and stuff.
So what's the topic?

Yes, since it's the month of E3 (or rather WAS the month, since E3 finished about a week or so ago), I decided to look into video game music again. And no, I'm not gonna be as heavy with criticism as I was for my GTA post.
Since the highlight of E3 for many gamers was the new Smash Bros for WiiU and 3DS, I've decided to look at the last game in the series, Super Smash Bros Brawl for the Wii. It had hundreds of different songs covering Nintendo's sizable selection of games from the 80's to the 00's, all designed to be used as battle anthems for Nintendo's mascots and memorable characters to duke it out to.
Some tracks were taken straight from the games (such as the songs from Sonic The Hedgehog games) but a lot of them were fresh new re-imaginings of songs from old Nintendo titles. To make the choice easier for myself (since there are so many awesome tunes in that game!), I chose to only include newly recorded songs for this list. So no Sonic Boom or Douche-Man, although those would rank near the top if I could include them.
Right then, on with the list!

10. Go K.K. Rider! - Animal Crossing


Coming in at 10 is a heroic little number that features a singing dog in the middle and yes, I can sing along to his lyrics perfectly and there is no shame in that if you can too! Granted I've never played an Animal Crossing game so I know nothing about where this comes from but hey, doesn't stop me from liking it!
I shouldn't have to justify why I like any of these tunes but fuck it, I'll do it anyway. I love the general melody and for bonus points, it sounds like something epic that would play as someone flies into battle on a know, until the dog starts singing.

9. Tetris Type A - Tetris

Come on, we all made a custom Tetris stage once we knew this song was in the game, right?

So how could they possibly make the iconic Tetris Type A theme any better? By injecting it with a touch of Russia, of course! Now it sounds like something that would play in a magnificent know, until the dog starts singing.
BUT WAIT! There is no dog! Only this delightfully kooky remix that has been set to play on a stage based around a haunted mansion. Very nice indeed!

8. World Map (Pikmin 2) - Pikmin

Yeah, sure, just fight on my head why don't you.

Based on what I'd heard, I didn't think it'd be possible to make fighting music from the Pikmin series...and for the most part, I was right. However, this tune works surprisingly well on the battlefield. The reason I like it? Probably the combination of string instruments and percussion throughout the track.

7. Boss Battle - Super Smash Bros. Melee

Fuck you, Porky!

A remix of the Main Menu theme from the last Super Smash Bros game that also doubles up as an awesome tune for Boss battles. From the first few notes, I fell in love with this tune and despite hearing this tune several hundred times due to my continued efforts in Boss Battle mode on Intense difficulty (Again, fuck you, Porky!), I still haven't tired of hearing it.

6. White Land - F-Zero

"Shit, jumpjumpjumpjumpjumpjumpFUCK, too late!"

To be honest, as a fan of Rock/Metal, most of the F-Zero tunes are awesome to me. I also like Shotgun Kiss and Fire Field but my Re-Records Only rule means White Land takes number 6 in my list. I don't know about you but I always like hearing electric guitars shredding away on a Nintendo game (one of the reasons I'm excited for Hyrule Warriors, coming out this year!) so combined with a fast tempo, this track is definitely one I love to know, until the dog starts singing....OK, I'll stop doing that now.

5. Flower Field - Yoshi

Seasons changing was pretty and all but it's not like it actually did anything significant...other than be pretty, of course

It's not a fighting tune, you're right there. However, it oozes cuteness, especially when you know it's a Yoshi tune. The Yoshi stage itself is pretty shit and the rest of the music isn't great BUT when I unlocked this song, I was playing on it all the time! Along with most of the other tracks on this list, it's also a decent improvement on the original track from the game it came from. In this case, Yoshi Touch & Go, I believe.

4. King K.Rool / Ship Deck 2 - Donkey Kong

What is it with Donkey Kong stages and them always being more deadly than they appear?

Starts off as a jolly pirate shanty. Nice, nice. But wait, what's this? Keep listening, keep listening...
Definitely one that kicks ass whilst you're kicking ass. Just a shame it feels quite short...and the stage it's isn't great either.

3. Song Of Storms - Legend Of Zelda

There's a special place in Hell for whoever added that fucking cannon to this stage

I'm a huge fan of Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time and quite frankly, I bet I could find 10 songs that would beat all of the ones mentioned so far in this list. However, this version of the classic "Windmill Hut" song with backing band and GUITARRRRRR definitely got me excited to play the game when I first heard it. The only reason it's not higher is because of the way it goes into Ganondorf's Castle...although the use of Serenade of Water at the end was very nice.

2. Corneria - StarFox

See, if this stage had gravity effects to match the space travel, THEN it might have been better!

Another track on a mediocre stage that got me excited to play it once I unlocked it. Far more fun to fight to than the Space Armada or Star Wolf tunes and whilst it's not a straightforward improvement on the original Corneria tune (which I think has a better drum beat), it definitely earns its place in this list.
So what's at number one? Well, if you're reading this you've probably already read it due to scrolling too far. Hasn't helped that I made the letters for the song names big...but if you haven't read it, then iiiiiit's...

1. Ocarina Of Time Medley - Legend Of Zelda

Been a while since I played LoZ:TP but surely there was a better stage idea than just flat and, every now & then, a big hole?

Yeah, this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who's played SSBB because this medley is fucking perfect.
No, shut up, it's perfect. Not hearing anything else about it.
It can't be improved, it is 10/10.
Epic feel from the guitars and strings, excellent to fight to, fantastic combination of a variety of tunes from Ocarina of Time and the stage it's used on, whilst not a stage from Ocarina Of Time, is definitely one that has replay value for more purposes than just the song.
Oh, and those final dramatic notes! Have you ever landed a Falcon Punch on the last note? I have.
It's. Awesome.

So that's my Tenology for anyone who's into the Smash Bros series. Special thanks to GilvaSunner for providing most of these tunes without my permission, although I guess he uploaded them to Youtube without permission too so it evens out. He also has a load of other Nintendo soundtracks on his channel if you like video game music so definitely worth checking out!
What music has the new Smash Bros game got to offer? Well, based on the fansite that's collected songs used in various trailers for the game, it's already shaping up to be an exceptional musical offering. I'm already hyped for the Zelda, Mega-Man, Pokemon, Kid Icarus and Donkey Kong related music and that's only a fraction of the songs that'll make the final cut! WOOOO! Bring on the Smash!