Sunday 31 May 2015

Future Updates

Just a small post to let you guys know what my plans are for the future of Riffs And Raffs.

In the past, I stuck to posting once a month (twice if one of those posts was about video games) but I want to try and flex my creative muscles a bit more so my aim now is to post once a week/four times a month.
If I can't maintain that then I'll work on posting twice a month. However, I don't give up that easily, even if barely anyone reads these reviews. I even have a rough schedule for what I want to post each week, although I'll probably end up deviating from the plan if I choose.

Across the month, I'll try to post the following: A review of a new album that's come out during the month, a review of an old album that I've listened to recently, an opinion piece ranging from some kind of musical rant to Tenology and a random post that might be any one of the above...although it'll probably be another opinion piece different to one already written that month.

So that's all, just a short update on future updates. Sorry for making it sound like I was shitcanning this blog in the first sentence.
Anyway, starting next week, expect to hear more from me...on this blog, that is. I talk plenty on Twitter.

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