Thursday 4 December 2014

Rock Or Bust - AC/DC

There's a great scene in 'This Is Spinal Tap' where the band are shown negative reviews of one of their albums, the last one consisting of only two words ("Shit Sandwich"). I reckon I can top that and summarise AC/DC's latest album, Rock Or Bust, in just one.


For those of you wanting a more in-depth critique, feel free to carry on reading.
Rock Or Bust is the 15th studio album from AC/DC but the first not to feature veteran guitarist, Malcolm Young. This is quite a significant departure as many consider Malcolm to be the life-blood of the band. It's his ability to create iconic riffs that have made the Aussie/Scottish rockers what they are today and whilst this isn't the first great loss the band has faced, it's definitely one that put the future of the group into question. However, rather than accept defeat, they carried on with determined faces and recorded this album...but perhaps they should've retired after all.
The album opener/title track is average at best. A slow plodding rhythm and an easily forgettable riff set the tone for the rest of the record. Cliff Williams' bass playing is unsubstantial and Phil Rudd's drumming is practically lifeless, although I guess organising murder really takes it out of you. Thankfully, Brian Johnson's vocals are still raw but I'd be lying if I said he makes any of the songs stand out. As for Stevie's guitar playing, he's certainly no Malcolm. His playing is bland, uninspired and sounds like something a mediocre guitarist would play to warm up before a gig.
If you think I'm being too harsh, here's an experiment for you.
Have you heard their first single, "Play Ball"? If not, follow this link and listen to the whole song, start to finish. Don't carry on reading this, pop out of this blog for a couple of minutes and give the song a try. When it's finished, come back here.

Heard it?
Right, now it's time for the test.
If you've heard the song several times before, you might do quite well but if you've heard it less than twice then here's your challenge:

Can you recall any of what you've just heard other than the words "Let's Play Ball"?

Don't be surprised if you can't, it's easily one of the most unremarkable Rock songs I've ever heard and it took me about four listens to remember the chorus alone.
Whose fucking idea was it to release that as the first single?! Surely, with Malcolm gone, you'd want a dynamic song to show people that you're still awesome and can bring the thunder on demand, not some limp Dance-Rock mush that has no fire or passion in the slightest? What's worse is the rest of the album more or less sticks to the same pattern. It's all too safe and timid, like they made this album for the easily fucking offended.
Admittedly, there are a couple of songs that capture the essence of the band's glory days. "Rock The House" is one that fans of "Back In Black" may appreciate and "Baptism By Fire" will likely get your foot tapping to the rhythm but other than that, the album is quite simply boring. Songs start to sound almost identical to their predecessors ("Sweet Candy"), tracks with powerful names carry the explosive energy of a diet pill induced follow-through ("Got Some Rock & Roll Thunder" and "Dogs Of War") and the final song, "Emission Control"...well, it says quite a bit about an ageing Hard Rock band when the closing track on an album fades out, let's just put it that way.

I would talk about how previous AC/DC songs have had memorable solos as well as classic riffs for every aspiring guitarist whereas Rock Or Bust is completely devoid of talented soloing BUT I believe the album was intentionally recorded without complex guitarwork* so I won't fault them for that. What I will fault them for is creating a pointless album that sounds like a bunch of old boys trundling out tired music who have lost the key component to what made them great in the first place, hence my score of 2/10.
What's most annoying about this album is that I really struggled to think of who to recommend this to. Even shite albums like 13 - Black Sabbath appeal to people who like their Metal covered in sludge but Rock Or Bust is just anemic sound. It's not even Rock, it's fucking Wood. If you did enjoy listening to it then I'm pleased for you but if you reckon you could look me in the eyes and tell me that this is an album Hard Rock fans should seek out then you, good sir or madam, are a bloody liar.

* Malcolm Young had composed these tracks with Angus before leaving the band due to Dementia. My theory is that they're deliberately quite short and simplistic to make it easier for him, since the producer and band mates likely recognised his failing mental health before his departure. I dunno, I could be reading too much into it but as I said, I'm not deducting or adding points for just a theory.