Sunday 22 May 2016

Shout Out: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Soundtrack

Just a quick shout out post today but there'll be some proper album reviews coming in the next few weeks.

I know it's another video game related post but the soundtrack isn't your typical game music. Anyone who's played at least one of the Uncharted titles will back me up when I say they're an incredibly cinematic series of games and the most recent release is no different. It's essentially a playable Action/Adventure film and the soundtrack reflects this beautifully. Taking the reigns from Greg Edmonson (previous Uncharted composer) is Henry Jackman, who's recent works include Captain America: Civil War and X-Men: First Class.
I usually find it quite difficult to take in the soundtracks from these kind of linear games as I'm usually so focused on the hectic gameplay that I miss the score and don't get a chance to soak it in unless I play the game again. However, this is the first time I've gone out of my way to seek out and listen to this kind of majestic orchestral soundtrack completely after playing a game purely due to the level of great tracks I recall hearing throughout my play-through.
First up, we have "A Thief's End". I'm guessing Henry went with that name instead of "Nate's Theme 4.0" because unlike previous versions of "Nate's Theme", the changes are more significant to the point that it's practically another tune. Sure, there's the classic melody in there but it's a lot darker, less upbeat and more fitting to be named after the last game in the series. Following this is a progression of tunes named after chapters from the game they appear in, such as sneaking around an auction house ("Once A Thief...") and battling mercenaries in the game's exciting opening boat chase ("Cut To The Chase").

Since the game's plot is based around lost pirate treasure, you can expect to hear a swashbuckling touch throughout certain tracks ("The Twelve Towers", "New Devon") but seeing as how the game also involves mystery and action, the majority of tracks rely on a mix of ominous sounding strings designed to accompany dialogue without overshadowing it ("At Sea", "The Thieves Of Libertalia", "Hidden In Plain Sight") and dynamic scores perfect for gunfights and escaping deathtraps ("Meet Me In Paradise", "Race To Libertalia") Naturally there's also a mix of contemporary instruments subtly blended in with the traditional orchestra  ("The Grave Of Henry Avery", "For Better Or Worse", "No Escape") but it all comes together perfectly.
I suppose the only downside is that when compared to soundtracks from film franchises such as Pirates Of The Carribean or Indiana Jones, those scores will easily triumph over this one due to being more focused on their respective genres. For example, the nautical score to Pirates is more memorable due to the catchy motifs and character based soundtrack as opposed to Uncharted 4, which is mostly based around specific moments and scenes in each chapter aside from a few familiar sounding tracks ("The Brothers Drake", "Brother's Keeper"). Henry Jackman has created an excellent score but one that belongs to two different genres, meaning the music as a whole isn't strong enough to be regarded highly in either category.
However, this is only an issue if you like one type of soundtrack but not the other, which must only be a select few. If you like boisterous seafaring soundtracks and suspenseful action scores, you'd be foolish to miss this one because as far as game soundtracks go, it's superb. Grand enough to fit the story and definitely not a step down from previous entries in the franchise. In fact if anything, it's made me want to revisit more of Henry Jackman's AND previous Uncharted soundtracks!

1. A Thief's End
2. A Normal Life
3. Lure Of Adventure
4. Cut To The Chase
5. Reunited
6. Once A Thief...
7. The Grave Of Henry Avery
8. Those Who Prove Worthy
9. The Twelve Towers
10. Hidden In Plain Sight
11. At Sea
12. Marooned
13. Meet Me In Paradise
14. The Thieves Of Libertalia
15. Sic Parvis Magna
16. The Brothers Drake
17. Race To Libertalia
18. For Better Or Worse
19. New Devon
20. Avery's Descent
21. No Escape
22. Brother's Keeper
23. One Last Time
24. Epilogue

Are there any orchestral film or game soundtracks that you'd like me to discuss on this blog? Feel free to recommend them on Twitter or here in the comment section!

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