Saturday 9 July 2016

Taster Session #5

You know the drill! New Rock/Metal singles means it's time to look at some upcoming material from bands old and new...although mostly new.

"Breakin' Outta Hell" - Airbourne         (listen here)
From the album Breakin' Outta Hell (16/09/16)

Has it really been three years since the last Airbourne album? Feels like only a few months ago I was listening to Black Dog Barking and feeling disappointed. Anyway, this track reminds us that Airbourne have yet to go stale with another powerhouse of Hard Rock full of a heavy yet catchy chorus and badass riffing...then again, so did "Live It Up" from their last album. At least this one sounds more like great Airbourne and less like good AC/DC, if that makes sense. Another album I'll have to check out and (possibly) review when it comes out in two months!

"Fake My Own Death" - Sum 41         (listen here)
From the album 13 Voices (07/10/16)

Of all the 90's Pop Punk bands, Sum 41 are probably my second favourite right after The Offspring. However, whilst all those bands tend to soften their serrated Punk edges into more of a rough Alternative sound, Sum 41 seem to be one of the few who actually got heavier and for that, I commend them. Sum 41 always seemed the heaviest of the 90's Pop Punk bands to me and I would say they're the closest thing to Pop Metal if I hadn't heard of Babymetal. They may have been lumped in with the whiny voiced dinks like Green Day and blink-182 but these guys could actually play their instruments pretty damn least, the band could.
Anyway, this track is short and sweet. Heavy riffs, solid vocals, high energy and a fun music video for the cherry on top. I especially liked how they used the old Guitar Hero controller and highway but that's a different matter. I should probably listen to more Sum 41 as I've heard a few of their lesser known tracks such as "88" and "Reign In Pain" and generally liked them. I tend to say this a lot on the Taster Session posts but if this track is anything to go by, I reckon I'll enjoy this new album too.

"Beautiful Thing" - The Stone Roses         (listen here)
From the album ???? (??/??/??)

I'm not a huge Stone Roses fan although both of their albums are on my list of things to listen to at some point. As for this song, it's pretty good. It's no "Driving South" or "Fool's Gold" but it's great mellow background music with a sort of trippy vibe to it. I've no idea if this is part of an upcoming album or if the band are just releasing singles now and then but if this is part of a larger collection of music, it sounds like it'll be a good collection! I can't speak with complete authority but it also sounds like a good tune if you're into The Stone Roses, especially if your tastes have matured a little since the 90's.

"Going All The Way Is Just The Start" - Meat Loaf         (listen here)
From the album Braver Than We Are (09/09/16)

Meat Loaf is one of those Marmite artists for me. The thing that probably annoys me most about Meat Loaf is his album covers and image scream Heavy Metal but his material doesn't even cover Hard Rock, he's either capable of great songs or shit ones with no middle ground and whilst the great ones ARE fucking great, the shit ones seem to dominate his albums/compilations. Sadly, this song falls into the shit category. It sounds like a typical Meat Loaf track that he just couldn't be fucked to follow through with and, as a result, lacks any energy or fun that his best tracks are known for.
I won't be listened to Braver Than We Are but I'm hesitant to be too critical of what will probably be his last album as I doubt he's long for this world, judging by his recent on-stage collapse and the way 2016 is going. If I was a betting man, I'd put all my Dead Pool money on either him or Neil Young biting the dust next, followed by yet another online slideshow of platitudes and fake quotes about how they were pioneers of their craft.

"Afraid Of Heights" - Billy Talent         (listen here)
From the album Afraid Of Heights (29/07/16)

I know a few Billy Talent songs and I quite like their Alternative/Punk take on Riff Based Rock. I'm not well versed in their discography but based entirely on this song, it sounds like their new album could be pretty good or resoundingly mediocre. It sounds like the kind of song that's included on one of those film soundtracks where none of the songs actually appear on the film; "Music Inspired By..." albums. I doubt I'll listen to this album, seeing as how the title track sounds a bit like filler material, but if you're a Billy Talent fan or just like modern Alternative, you might want to check it out.

Once again, if you have any recommendations or requests for me to write about, let me know on Twitter or the comment section. I have a few ideas (as always) but I'm always happy to give readers what they want.

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