Tuesday 27 February 2018

Shout Out: A Hat In Time (Original Game Soundtrack) - Pascal Michael Stiefel

Apologies for another video game post so soon after the Guitar Hero 2 one but I miscalculated the timing of future album reviews, meaning I have to wait a couple of weeks to review the new Judas Priest album...so time for some filler!

A Hat In Time is easily my favourite game of 2017 and definitely one of my all-time favourite platformers too...but you probably could've guessed that I love the game, what with it being here in a Shout Out post. I could've picked many top tier game soundtracks to write about ranging from classics like Ocarina Of Time to underrated gems like Tearaway Unfolded but for this short little post, I chose A Hat In Time mostly because it's a soundtrack that continued to consistently amaze me all the way through my playthrough of the game. In my experience, many game soundtracks have at least one period of downtime where the music isn't to my liking; one hub world or significant portion of the game where the music is a weaker than the rest of the soundtrack. Not A Hat In Time!
I can't think of a single beat in the game's natural progression that suffers from that misstep; every chapter, every environment has at least one brilliant tune from the classic overworld music of Mafia Town to the incredible boss battle tune in the Dead Bird Studios world. There might be weaker tunes or variations that pop up now and then but you don't have to wait long to hear another belter. Also, if you don't like one of the songs during certain key levels, there are unlockable remixes that you can swap main tunes out for. Granted most of the remixes aren't as good as the originals but it's still quite fun to hear a Disney-fied version of the Snatcher boss theme or the electro-swing remix of "Train Rush".
The game's composer, Pascal Michael Stiefel, is mostly known for creating remixes of game music so there are a few familiar melodies tweaked just enough to make them into new songs. There are elements of the Song Of Storms in "The Windmill Peak" level and I literally had to check to make sure the music from "Picture Perfect" wasn't lifted from Super Mario Galaxy or one of the many Mario Kart games. However, the main takeaway here is that the soundtrack does a perfect job of capturing the tone of each level, whether it's chilling edge-of-your-soiled-seat horror levels set in Queen Vanessa's Manor or joyful platforming and exploration of each village in the Alpine Skyline world. It's a delightful soundtrack that I strongly advise checking out or just full-on purchasing, as it's only $9.99 for 78 tracks.

1. Main Theme
2. Title Screen
3. File Select
4. New Adventure
5. The Mystery Track
6. Welcome To Mafia Town
7. Welcome To Mafia Town (Remix) [Feat. Qumu]
8. Time Piece Released
9. Barrel Battle
10. A New Friend In Mafia Town
11. Mafia Town Is Asleep
12. She Came From Outer Space
13. So, What's The Plan
14. Mafia HQ
15. The Badge Seller
16. Mafia Boss' Big Showdown
17. Mafia Boss' Big Showdown (Remix) [Fear. AdulescensF]
18. Heating Up Mafia Town
19. No More Mafia Boss
20. Scootin' Through Mafia Town
21. Deadbird Studio Reception
22. Dead Bird Studio
23. You Are Now Legally A Bird
24. The Ratings Are In
25. Picture Perfect
26. Picture Perfect (Remix) [Feat. Carlos Eiene]
27. Murder On The Owl Express
28. Who Dun It
29. Tick Tock
30. The Phone's Ringing
31. Metal Bork
32. The Conductor's Train
33. Train Rush
34. Trainwreck Of Electro Swing (Remix)
35. The Big Parade
36. Turn On The Pyrotechnics
37. The Annual Bird Movie Award
38. Dead Bird Studio Basement
39. Dead Bird Studio Is Closed
40. The Battle Of Award 42
41. Heart To Heart
42. Subcon Forest
43. Scootin' Through Subcon Forest
44. Snatcher's  Contractual Obligations
45. Oh It's You
46. Subcon Village
47. Subcon Village (Remix) [Feat. Echorobot]
48. The Fire Spirits
49. The Subcon Caves
50. Toilet Of Doom
51. A Forsaken Place
52. Entering Vanessa Manor
53. Vanessa Wants To Play
54. You're Safe Now
55. Your Contract Has Expired
56. Your Contract Has Expired (Remix) [Feat. Cameron Munoz]
57. The Tower Of The Goats
58. Alpine Skyline
59. The Birdhouse Peak
60. The Lava Cake Peak
61. The Windmill Peak
62. The Twilight Bell Peak
63. Alpine Skyline At Night
64. The Weather Has Cleared
65. Clocktowers Beneath The Sea
66. Scootin' Through Clocktowers Beneath The Sea
67. Clocktowers Beneath The Sea (Remix) [Feat. AdolescensF]
68. Mafia Of Cooks Time Rift
69. Battle Of The Birds Time Rift
70. Subcon Forest Time Rift
71. Alpine Skyline Time Rift
72. Roll The Slots
73. Judge, Jury And Executioner
74. You Are All Bad Guys
75. Get Lost
76. Little Help From My Friends
77. Goodbye Everyone
78. The End

I haven't checked out the album of B-sides and additional remixes from this game yet but since it contains music from the upcoming DLC pack (including New Game +, local Co-Op mode and a brand new chapter, ALL FOR FREE!), I'll have to seek it out soon.

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