Friday 23 January 2015

Tenology: My Ten Favourite Rock/Metal Songs Of 2014

If you're like me when it comes to opinions about music journalism then chances are you find posts on blogs/websites along the lines of "Ten Best Songs Of [A YEAR/DECADE]" to be all the same. A bunch of Indie songs, some generic pop and usually Kanye Fucking West.


Rather than pretend to be some sophisticated tosser who is all about how deep and lyrically influential music is, I plan on writing about my 10 favourite songs of the year that fall strictly within the Rock/Metal parameter...though chances are I'll still sound like a snob at times. There's a strong possibility that none of them will be on any official Top Songs Of 2014 lists as the spaces on those lists are reserved for paragraphs overly praising how great David Bowie is for releasing an album over 30 years after he stopped making good music or how innovative and talented the Foo Fighters are for capturing the pure, raw sound of Dave Grohl stroking his dick across eight songs.
Anyway, here are the songs that came out within the last 12 months that I would recommend to people above all other upcoming bands/artists. Once again, I remind you that these are in no order of greatness as I think they're all awesome:

1. "30 Years To Life" - Slash

One of the singles off World On Fire (I'll just leave this little review here for anyone who may have missed it) and probably my favourite song from the album. Granted it starts off a little shaky but luckily it soon finds its feet after the intro. The reason I preferred this song to others on the album probably comes down to the reprise at the end. The song's continual build-up manages to turn the worst part of the track into the best, leaving you with good memories of the tune you just least it did for me, anyway.

2. "1000hp" - Godsmack

Time for a bit of Metal! I don't know much about the music of Godsmack but I do know this song has about as much power as you can possibly want for modern Metal. My favourite aspect of this song is easily the way each drum beat in the intro and verse sounds like a hefty punch. In fact, the drumming throughout the whole song is as tight as a banker's pocket but when you listen to the track, you'll know what I mean. Some may argue that it sounds stiff but I'd rather that than it sounding sloppy and overly reliant on cymbal crashes.
Oh yeah, and the other band members are great too.

3. "Crash Landing" - Toseland

Whilst all the pictures of the guy make him look like a self-obsessed cunt too big-headed even for TOWIE, his music definitely earns its place here. Unlike other entries in this list where one or two instruments clearly dominate the others, this song is a perfect example of how each member of the band contributes an even share towards making a great tune. Yes, the guitar and vocals tend to stand out more but once you listen to the drums and bass all the way through, you'll realise they're pulling their weight just as much as Mr Essex himself.

4. "Deceived" - Red Dragon Cartel

More Metal! From the opening riff, you know you're gonna be in for a treat and luckily, the rest of the song delivers! If anything, it sounds like some modern Ozzy Osbourne but with about 30% more balls (you can thank the work of ex-Ozzy guitarist Jake E. Lee for those balls!). The only thing I would say is that the song kind of ends on a low note, despite building up so much energy. If it had the outro it deserved, I'd definitely recommend it above most other tracks on this list.

5. "Dragonaut" - Judas Priest

The only notable song on the entire fucking album. However, it's a hell of a song! You've got everything you could want from Judas Priest on it (aside from a bit more Halford falsetto but at least the band knew it wouldn't suit this song before they said "Fuck it, do it anyway" for the title track). I was tempted to leave it off this list until I realised that I've been listening to it regularly since I first purchased it in July. That makes it a top song, in my books.

6. "Heaven Knows" - The Pretty Reckless

The first song on this list that isn't all about speed and action but that doesn't mean it's not powerful. With plenty of explosive and arguably "epic" moments, this memorable track will get your feet stomping and if you don't end up humming along, chances are the chorus will stick around in your head later on that day. I'm surprised this song hasn't been used in more ads for TV shows or films, if I'm honest.

7. "Looking At You" - Uriah Heep

I was tempted to review Uriah Heep's latest album, Outsider, on this blog but decided against it in the end. If you want a shortened version, all you need to know is that there are three songs that stand out (and two of those were singles). "One Minute", "Can't Take That Away" and this one. All the others generally sound like Whitesnake knock-offs whereas "Looking At You" boasts some fine work from all instruments, particularly bass and keys.

8. "Midnight Meditation" - The Vintage Caravan

Above all else, it's the main guitar riff and drum combo that I enjoy more than the wailing vocals and fuzzy bass. Sadly, the rest of the album this came from isn't worth discussing but at least this shining jewel could be found in the grey slop that was Voyage. What I would say about the song is that it seems to go on a little bit too long. The bridge in the middle with the guitar solo is cool but perhaps the final verse could've been trimmed or adapted into an outro.

9. "Remember Me" - Black Stone Cherry

Gun to head, if I was forced to pick my favourite song of the year then this would probably be it. It's comparable to a lot of modern Hard Rock songs that rely on heavy chords and shouting but unlike those, the chords are accompanied by individual guitarwork and the shouting is fuelled by emotion rather than the need to sing about something. The only major downside to this song is that the album version contains about one minute and twenty seconds of atmospheric and unnecessary feedback at the end. It completely ruins the otherwise fantastic tune, but not enough for it to be omitted from this list.

10. "Too Many Clowns" - Magnum

I can't say I'm too fond of Magnum as their older songs are a little bit too synthy for my tastes. This song, however, has next to none of that. It's just good ol' Rock! If anything, this song sounds like ZZ Top or even Status Quo if they were fucking awesome as opposed to just awesome*. Raspy vocals perfect for Hard Rock and heavy riffing make up for the weak solo and I knew once this album came out, I had to have the song.

So those are my 10 favourite tracks released in 2014 BUT I've picked five others that deserve a mention and a listen from you if you've agreed with at least 7/10 of my choices so far:

"A Shot At Redemption" - H.E.A.T
Quite similar to "Heaven Knows" but not as grand or imposing. Instead, it beefs up the fretwork and increases the tempo to footstomping speed. If I'd ordered this list in terms of greatness, I reckon this would've made #11.

"Calling Out" - Electric River
If I'm ever involved in a dynamic motorbike chase across a near-futuristic motorway then I'd probably want this song to be playing. This song is probably more appropriate than some of the others on my list as it sounds more like Modern Rock compared to, say, Uriah Heep.

"Electric Man" - Rival Sons
I should really thank radio station Planet Rock for playing many of these songs as they're my primary source for discovering new music. The reason I bring them up now is because they've caught onto Rival Sons and have played many of their tunes from previous albums, as well as this great one. Whilst this isn't my favourite song by the band in general, it's definitely my favourite they've released this year that I've heard.

"The Outlaw" - The Treatment
A song presumably written with the sole intent of kicking ass, "The Outlaw" would've fought it out with "Deceived" on my list. I think the line "I'm the Outlaw, don'tcha know" in the chorus stopped this song from making the list. Other than that lyric, it's a great track.

"Two Doves On A Lake" - Archie Bronson Outfit
Quite kooky and definitely Wolfmotherish, this song was just a little bit too off-the-wall for my list. Not that that's a bad thing, of course. I like songs that are a bit different as much as ones that stick to conventions but in this case, I preferred the aforementioned tracks to this one. However, I would say fans of Stoner Metal and Hard Prog check this song out. Who knows, maybe other material by the Archie Bronson Outfit are worth a listen in general!

So that's my brief musical summary of 2014. We had highs and lows but what about 2015?
Well, we've got new albums from Metallica, Def Leppard, Queen featuring some other guy, possibly Iron Maiden, Saxon and other bands too, not to mention all the new acts who'll release their debuts this year and quite possibly a few other surprises along the way too.
Here's to another year of monthly blog posts! Hooraaaaaay!

*on occasion