Monday 27 April 2015

Tenology: My Favourite Tracks From SSB Wii U

Don't worry, this won't be the only blog post I do this month.
In November, Super Smash Bros for Wii U was released and was met with mostly positive reviews. Whilst I think the game would've been better as a single title rather than split across 3DS & Wii U resulting in two full priced titles that on their own are only OK, this blog post isn't about me reviewing it. It's about my 10 favourite songs from the game, similar to a post I did a while ago about Super Smash Bros Brawl.
In terms of the game's soundtrack, I personally believe Brawl had a greater collection of original songs and that if this game didn't include most of Brawl's better tunes then the soundtrack would've been a bit of a letdown. However, it's now time to look at the 10 original songs from Super Smash Bros for Wii U that I have set to max on My Music:

10. Gear Getaway - Donkey Kong

Fun idea, meh execution

I'm not entirely sure why this song needed rerecording for Smash Bros as it sounds pretty damn similar to the original anyway. The Donkey Kong track I included in the SSBB post was indisputably improved by rerecording it whereas this track sounds like an unused version, rather than a sparkly new one. Either way, it's a cool little jungle tune that's equally fun to Smash to.

9. Pac-Man's Park/Block Town - Pac-Man

Somewhere, in Activision's dungeon, Crash is curled up in a ball crying

The main reason this remix is only at number 9 is because of the Block Town part. Kinda ruins the Pac-Man's Park intro that was used in Pac-Man's character trailer, if you ask me. However, it's still a great tune full of nostalgic sound effects and rocking guitars. Just a shame it doesn't fit the stage it's assigned to as well as other tracks.

8. Trophy Rush - Super Smash Bros for Wii U

It took the Internet about half a minute to work this technique out

A zany, wacky piece of music that goes on just a little bit too long to prevent it from being higher on this list. However, it takes the theme for Smash Bros Wii U (which is my personal favourite out of all four games) and toys with it gloriously, resulting in a frenzied yet composed piece of music fit for a match, a minigame, teaser trailer or hype-generating background music at E3.

7. Pedal Glider - PilotWings

Wonder what's going through the mind of the pilots during all of this

At number 7, we have quite a calm remix that takes the original Reggae-inspired tune and turns it into awesome lift music. Some of you might think this isn't great fighting music and perhaps you'd be right BUT give it a minute or so and this soothing melody introduces some synth to the mix, giving it little bit more of a dynamic feel. It's not action packed and it's clearly not what I would call the best track but as far as unlockable songs go, it was a neat surprise.

6. Air Man Theme - Mega Man

I could probably do a Tenology post of the best Air Man remixes too

I remember hearing this in the My Music section of the 3DS version & getting a little bit more excited for the Wii U game, if only for the greater music collection. Mega Man 2 is well known for having a lot of awesome tunes, even if they are 8-bit. However, hearing the revamped version of the Air Man level with guitars, keyboards and drums a-plenty makes it all the better. Bonus points for making this sound like even more of an aerial-battle anthem!

5. Ballad Of The Goddess/Ghirahim's Theme - Legend Of Zelda

Continuing the theme of uninspired LoZ stages

Another brilliant tune from the Legend Of Zelda series remixed into a perfect fighting song yet ruined slightly by the needless attachment of an antagonist theme, see also Song Of Storms and the truly terrible Saria's Song/Middle Boss Battle. Fans of Skyward Sword will remember the moment in the game when you first start shredding the Ballad Of The Goddess after acquiring the Goddess Harp in what has to be the single worst use of the Motion Plus controls in the entire game, if not history. The harp melody Link plays can be heard in the string arrangement during this track & if I had to pick a favourite moment/reason why this song is number 5, that would be it. I like it a lot.

4. Minor Circuit Theme - Punch Out!

Just a man and his will to survive...

Suppose I should mention that I do slightly prefer the original from Punch Out Wii although this remix does have a few cool additions. For example, the "Oh yeah!"'s that crop up every now and then. However, this polished Rock remix of the Minor Circuit theme is obviously gonna be great brawling music, considering it came from a fighting game and has been beefed up for another fighting game! I definitely feel like working out to this song...well, I would if I ever felt like working out. Ever.

3. Battle! Trainer (Pokemon X/Y) - Pokemon

Why the hell weren't you Mewtwo?

Ignoring the fact that this song is mapped to my favourite stage in the Wii U version & was used in Greninja's announcement trailer after a Smash Bros Nintendo Direct which kicked all kinds of ass, everything about it rocks! The fluttering scales, the stabbing strings, the general excitement of it all really. Unlike most of the other songs in the game, I haven't tired of this one yet. I can still bang it on repeat and listen to it for a lengthy period of time which is one of the key qualities of top notch game music.

2. The Valedictory Elegy - Baiten Kaitos

Or should it be "valedictory elegy" without caps? Don't care either way.

I'm still not sure if I prefer this remix or the original from Baiten Kaitos Origins overall. What I do know is this is easily my favourite song to listen to whilst fighting on Gaur Plains, even if it is the only one that doesn't come from the game linked to the stage. The high pitched violin might sound annoying at first but once you get used to it and appreciate what is easily the game's most "epic" piece of music, you'll find you can't fight without it.

1. Mega Man 2 Medley - Mega Man

This guy, am I right?

At first, I was disappointed they mixed the Mega Man 2 opening music with Dr Wily Stage 1-2 but I guess it's better to have a piece of music with a sensible length rather than shorter tracks that lose appeal quicker. So what can I say about this tune, other than I've bugged the crap out of my girlfriend by playing it so often? Well, the synchronised mix of heavy guitars and classic synth gives it a fresh yet simultaneously nostalgic quality whilst the heavy chugging and punchy beat in the background adds the mechanic element of Mega Man. I mean, that's what I would say if I was trying to sound well informed. Truth is it's just fucking great. It has everything a good fighting song should have and is entirely responsible for me checking out more music from the Mega Man series.

Sorry for another video game post but it was either this or me ranting about the new Guitar Hero game, which I'll probably do at some point this year or the next. Stay tuned for another post before May that won't be about video games...although it may be ranting still.

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