Sunday 15 January 2017

Rock Band 2

First video game related post of the year, yay!
Don't worry though, it's not about game music. If you're familiar with my previous GH/RB posts where I go through the setlist for each game, give the individual tracks a Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down based on my personal enjoyment of the track, how well known or appropriate they are for the game and how fun they are to play on guitar before my final rating at the end, you might want to read some of these blog posts. If not, you can always read the last sentence again until you get the idea.

Before I start, let's briefly recap Rock Band 2. It didn't really do much to shake up the formula but, at the time, it didn't need to. Rock Band was a great success and since GH:WT was only innovating by copying Rock Band's idea, it could focus more on improving the core gameplay with a few minor adjustments here and there for the better. Since it came out in the same year as GH:WT, the soundtracks for both games share quite a few tracks. As a result, I won't be spending too much time talking about those songs here but I'll chat about the guitar charts before giving my verdict. If you want more about my opinions on the following songs:
American Woman - The Guess Who
Everlong - Foo Fighters
Eye Of The Tiger - Survivor
Feel The Pain - Dinosaur Jr.
Float On - Modest Mouse
Go Your Own Way - Fleetwood Mac
Lazy Eye - Silversun Pickups
Livin' On A Prayer - Bon Jovi
The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
Mountain Song - Jane's Addiction
One Way Or Another - Blondie
Our Truth - Lacuna Coil
Ramblin' Man - The Allman Brothers Band
Today - Smashing Pumpkins
Then you'll find what you're after on the Guitar Hero: World Tour discussion.
The main reason I chose to look at Rock Band 2's soundtrack instead of more obvious (or requested) choices like Lego Rock Band, Guitar Hero 2 or Guitar Hero: Metallica is because Rock Band 2 is generally regarded as having the greatest soundtrack not just of the series but quite possibly of the entire rhythm game genre. I want to look at this soundtrack and determine whether it's as strong as fans and critics make out. Plus, the Rock Band 2 export for Rock Band 4 will hopefully be available this month for PS4 gamers in Europe so why not refresh our memories with a look at these tunes.
Now then, let's get started!

"A Jagged Gorgeous Winter" - The Main Drag
I literally couldn't remember anything about this first song before starting research for this post. I envy that version of me. Yeah, this song sucks. The chart's alright if you like strumming but nothing to get excited over, the song itself sounds like something played at a house party in a quirky TV show about cunts we're supposed to find funny and endearing, the rapid strumming section in the middle prevents you from getting an easy FC and it was only included because it's one of the many "Harmonix bands" that are essentially the bonus songs of the game. THUMBS DOWN.

"Ace Of Spades '08" - Motorhead
Great choice! It's the band's most well known song, it's got a decent guitar chart and it's definitely more fun than "Overkill". I'm not sure why they put '08 at the end of the title, since it's not really notable as a rerecord. Aside from a few little changes in the sound and one lyric that's different, you'd be hard pressed to identify differences between this and the original so the '08 seems unnecessary, especially when other rerecords in the Rock Band franchise sound completely different to originals but don't have the date next to them. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, THUMBS UP.

"Alabama Getaway" - Grateful Dead
I wouldn't call the Grateful Dead much of an 80s band and if I had to pick one of their songs, I'd probably go with something from the 60s or 70s...then again, many of their tracks have been released as Rock Band DLC and this does have a fun guitar chart. Plus, it's a pretty good tune. It definitely belongs in RB in one way or another so THUMBS UP for making the on-disc setlist a little bit better.

"Alex Chilton" - The Replacements
I'm in a bit of an awkward situation as this is pretty damn similar to "A Jagged Gorgeous Winter" with rapid strumming sections and an alright chart if you like strumming but otherwise, not much else to go on. Granted there are a few HOPO bits but at least this song is better than the first one. I love it and I'm surprised that I can't remember it from RB2. THUMBS UP.

"Alive" - Pearl Jam
Fuck yes, THUMBS UP. Awesome riff, great tune that's an iconic Rock track, fucking badass solo at the end, perfect for this game. So good they even released a live version of it as DLC so you can play it twice.

"Almost Easy" - Avenged Sevenfold
I'm not a huge A7X fan but I do like this track. Fun guitar chart, not a lengthy sensitive section in the middle (although there are small sensitive sections in the chorus) and it knows when to end. Good song, great pick for the game. THUMBS UP.

"American Woman" - The Guess Who
If I didn't care for this track in GH:WT then I'm less likely to enjoy it in Rock Band 2. However, it IS a well known Classic Rock track and whilst it's not amazing, there's nothing technically wrong with the guitar chart so it's got to be a THUMBS UP.

"Any Way You Want It" - Journey"
It's a pisser that this song isn't exportable to future RB games but damn, what an awesome chart and track. If you can't remember it that well, it's got two bitching solos and it's the perfect song to fucking rock out to when you're playing alone. However, you've been warned about those solos so don't sleep on it. THUMBS UP.

"Aqualung" - Jethro Tull
I have more fond memories of this track in Rock Band: Unplugged and Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock but I can't fault its inclusion here. It's not the most well known Rock track but it's a popular tune from Jethro Tull's collection and it has a fucking great guitar solo. Definitely a THUMBS UP. So far, so good for the RB2 setlist!

"Bad Reputation" - Joan Jett
It's a pretty dull and repetitive guitar chart but as I've said in the past, games need a difficulty curve. Easy songs get a pass as long as they're not poor choices and this track isn't. It's a good little punchy tune and not the obvious pick of "I Love Rock & Roll" that would be included on Rock Band 3 so THUMBS UP. Also something something Shrek is life, YAY I INTERNETTED!

"Battery" - Metallica
Rock Band may have gone with the obvious choice for "Enter Sandman" but Rock Band 2 stepped it up a notch by picking a song for players wanting a challenge on each instrument. Rapid strumming rhythms, tough solos and riffs-a-plenty. THUMBS UP, even though I'll always prefer the GH:M version.

"Bodhisattva" - Steely Dan
Now this is a funny inclusion. It's not a big song for Steely Dan and it's not the kind of tune you'd hear often on Rock radio but what it DOES have going for it is a fucking awesome guitar chart. However, does it belong in the game? I'm going to be a bit more harsh on this one as I've been very generous so far and say no, it's the wrong choice. "Reelin' In The Years" or "Do It Again" would've been more appropriate BUT damn, it's a fun song. I'm going with my heart on this one and saying THUMBS UP for being enjoyable and not a bad song, even if it may have been better suited as DLC like on GH.

"Carry On Wayward Son" - Kansas
Probably one of the most famous Classic Rock songs that's only really become popular within the last decade or so. However, it has a fun guitar chart and it's the master recording so it definitely deserves a place on this game. THUMBS UP.

"Chop Suey!" - System Of A Down
Fuck, I hate this song. Awkward fretting and strumming and a terrible outro to listen to but if you have to include a SOAD song on the game, I suppose this is one of the best choices. "BYOB" in GH:WT may have been more enjoyable and better to listen to but if you want a tough song, this is a fair choice. I want to give it a Thumbs Down for being shit but it has to be THUMBS UP. I'm sure it's enjoyable to play if you can nail that timing window and cool to listen to if you're half deaf.

"Colony Of Birchman" - Mastodon
Do Mastodon fucking suck? I think they fucking suck. They're technically proficient for a mediocre Metal band (well, the ones playing a musical instrument are) but their music is terrible and there are so many better modern Metal bands to choose from for the on-disc setlist. I've yet to hear a single Mastodon song I like and this one comes nowhere close to persuading me, even if the guitar chart is quite fun. If you have a good Mastodon track for me to listen to, feel free to tell me about this unicorn of a song in the comment section. Until then, THUMBS DOWN.

"Come Out And Play (Keep 'Em Separated)" - The Offspring
This song introduced me to The Offspring and goddamn, it was a great song to start with. I love the little Egyptian riff that plays throughout and the chart is relatively fun as well, even if it is easy to choke on. I'd argue that it's a fair choice for the game, even if it's not the band's biggest hit. It probably could've worked as DLC but to be honest, most tracks from The Offspring work as on-disc and DLC choices. THUMBS UP.

"Conventional Lover" - Speck
Another Harmonix band/bonus song. Fortunately, this is much better than the first. It's a cute little love song with an average chart but if you really like the song, you'll enjoy playing it. I love this track and I'm glad it was included. Besides, it would be ruined with a furious or even challenging solo. THUMBS UP.

"Cool For Cats" - Squeeze
I like this song but goddamn, what a boring chart. It's probably one of the most well known songs by this band and if they needed a popular tune with an easy chart to balance out the difficulty curve, I can understand this being picked. However, if you want a fun Squeeze song that would also be relatively low down on the difficulty curve, "Another Nail In My Heart" would've been better. This track would've worked more in RB3 with Keys and Pro-Guitar. Sorry but it's a THUMBS DOWN.

"De-Luxe" - Lush
Never heard of this song or band until Rock Band: Unplugged but I'm glad I did...hear it, that is. It's a weird tune and if memory serves, a bit of a repetitive guitar chart, but I like listening to it. However, I don't think it's a great choice for the game. Unfortunately, I can't tell you a better one by this band but if you want a 90s Alternative track, there are fucking dozens to pick. Collective Soul, Manic Street Preachers, R.E.M, etc. I'm torn on this one as I do like it but feel like it shouldn't be on-disc. Maybe on-disc for Rock Band: Unplugged but DLC for RB2. THUMBS DOWN, I'm afraid.

"Down With The Sickness" - Disturbed
Pretty solid choice for Disturbed and a decent guitar chart too. Of all the Nu-Metal songs they could've picked, I'm glad Disturbed got some love in the form of a track built around an epic riff and cool vocals, usually two elements that are completely absent from the genre. THUMBS UP.

"Drain You" - Nirvana
Not the best Nirvana choice by any stretch, even if you're just trying to balance the difficulty out. Dull, repetitive, moany, weak. Something like "Come As You Are" or "Lithium" would've been better from the Nevermind album, or even a B-side like "Aneurysm". Then again, I think there were licensing issues with Nirvana that didn't get sorted out until 2009 but all the same, it's a THUMBS DOWN.

"E-Pro" - Beck
OK, this song has one thing going for it. An epic fucking riff. That's it, strip the badass riff away and you've got nothing. That being said, this is probably a track for vocalists and beginner drummers/guitarists. Yeah, this one gets a pass from me. It's fairly well known in Beck's collection and worthy of a place, although "Loser" still needs to appear in Rock Band. THUMBS UP.

"Everlong" - Foo Fighters
Jesus, this fucking track. At least the guitar chart is more challenging than the Guitar Hero one so it's a better inclusion on RB2 than on GH:WT. However, considering the album this was from was released as DLC for RB after the game's release, a track like "Monkey Wrench" or maybe even "My Hero" would've been better as a well known Foo Fighters song. I would've personally preferred the former but hey, we're talking in hypotheticals here. THUMBS DOWN.

"Eye Of The Tiger" - Survivor
Definitely worth a place for the song alone but how does the guitar chart fare against the GH:WT version? Six of one, half a dozen of the other, if I'm honest. The chords could've been three-note chords to make it feel more epic but other than that, it's just strumming and they got that right. THUMBS UP.

"Feel The Pain" - Dinosaur Jr.
I gave this track a pass in GH:WT for having a chart that didn't suck and being alright to listen to. The chart's still good here and even though I'm not a huge fan of the song, it probably works better in this game than GH:WT. THUMBS UP.

"Float On" - Modest Mouse
Echoing my sentiments from the GH:WT post, this song and chart are still a dull ballache. THUMBS DOWN.

"Get Clean" - Anarchy Club
Pretty fun on guitar, if I recall correctly. It might not be the nicest song to listen to (Harmonix bands vary from cool to shite with very little wiggle room in the middle) but guitarists have a lot to get stuck into here. A solid choice to fill up disc space after blowing all their licensing money on the myriad of awesome bands in this setlist. THUMBS UP.

"Girl's Not Grey" - AFI
I love this song despite not caring an awful lot for AFI. However, I have to say the GH5 DLC chart was more fun. It's still cool to listen to but I remember hating this chart when I first played it, even if it is fairly similar. Ah well, THUMBS UP for picking a good Emo track.

"Give It All" - Rise Against
Well, you've got to include Rise Against if you want people to like your game. I've no fucking idea why, it just seems people like this band a lot. It's not my favourite Rise Against track and I recall the GH:WT choice being more fun so it's a THUMBS DOWN. Hell, I could've awarded it that for the rusty screaming alone.

"Give It Away" - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Oh fuck, why this track? WHY of all the RHCP songs do you pick one of their shitty Funk Rock numbers? Again, Blood Sugar Sex Magik was released as album DLC so "Under The Bridge" or "Suck My Kiss" would've been better, even if this is one of their better known songs. At least those two don't suck ass. THUMBS DOWN.

"Go Your Own Way" - Fleetwood Mac
Not much to compare chart-wise as this isn't a guitar-heavy song until the end solo. It belongs on RB2 more than GH:WT and it is a well known song. Even if I can't get into this track as much as I'd like to, it deserves a THUMBS UP for being a good choice for this game and not completely boring on guitar.

"Hello There" - Cheap Trick
An interesting choice for the band. Not much to say about the guitar but it is less than two minutes long so you shouldn't expect much, just a kickass Rock tune. What's interesting is that Harmonix got a rerecord of this track designed to sound heavier and dear God, I'm glad they did. I'll have to seek out the heavier version of this album that Cheap Trick recorded, as In Color is a good record but I imagine so much better with a bit of oomph! As for Cheap Trick songs worthy of an on-disc placement, there are several better choices but this track gets a THUMBS UP just for the opening cinematic of RB2 alone.

"Hungry Like The Wolf" - Duran Duran
This song's grown on me over time so I'll probably appreciate playing it more now, even if GH5 has it too. If I remember correctly, this chart is a bit more fun than the GH version so it's a THUMBS UP, although the fact that it's a popular 80s hit and the best Duran Duran choice they could've gone for as an on-disc tune also contribute to that decision.

"I Was Wrong" - Social Distortion
A solid warm-up song for the game's difficulty curve and an OK 90s Rock track, even if it is kind of dull on guitar. I probably would've preferred a slightly more challenging Social Distortion song like "Ball & Chain" but it's still a good tune. However, I feel like we've had enough easy songs for me to start paying less attention to the difficulty curve when giving verdicts so it's a THUMBS DOWN for this one. A good choice for Rock Band: Unplugged, a meh choice for RB2.

"Kids In America" - The Muffs
I definitely prefer listening to the original version of this but I'm almost certain they picked this cover because it's more fun to play on guitar. It's also a pretty faithful cover version and more of a Rock track than Kim Wilde's Pop version. THUMBS UP for picking a great song and a creative cover.

"Lazy Eye" - Silversun Pickups
I still find this song intensely boring and couldn't give too much of a fuck about the chart. I was generous with my Thumbs Up for GH:WT but I won't be here. The standard's been set pretty damn high so far and this brings everything down; therefore, THUMBS DOWN.

"Let There Be Rock" - AC/DC
Damn, they managed to get an AC/DC master recording. Even if it's not the best choice, that's got to be applauded. Most of you will probably claim "Highway To Hell" or "Back In Black" should've been picked but chances are that would've wiped out most of the game's budget before they even started. Personally, I would've fought for "Riff Raff" for having what I imagine would be a fucking awesomely tough guitar chart, instead of this one which is just strumming and waiting. Awesome song though and again, it is an impressive net. THUMBS UP.

"Livin' On A Prayer" - Bon Jovi
This may have been the logical choice for GH:WT but considering RB's had "Wanted Dead Or Alive" already, it feels like a step backwards for Bon Jovi tunes. It's his signature song but it's also pretty dull on guitar, especially when you factor in that the outro solo isn't on this version. THUMBS DOWN.

"Lump" - The Presidents Of The United States Of America
I remember having to play this song way more than I wanted to on RB2 due to the career mode so I have a natural hatred for it. It's an average Alternative Rock song but I'm guessing a suitable choice from the band? I have no idea what their signature song is and I'm assuming this is a big hit for them, otherwise it would have literally no reason to belong in the game. THUMBS DOWN.

"Man In The Box" - Alice In Chains
I can't listen to this song normally anymore, not after hearing it 25% faster. It sounds SO MUCH BETTER sped up but still, the guitar chart's quite fun and it's a well known tune by the band. THUMBS UP despite sounding like Alice In Chains.

"Master Exploder" - Tenacious D
Hell. Fucking. Yes. Love this song, love this chart, love the fact that Harmonix went for the fun Tenacious D pick over one of their singles from the album like "P.O.D". THUMBS UP.

"The Middle" - Jimmy Eat World
The chart appears to be similar to the GH:WT version, although if I remember playing it correctly, it was a little bit harder. Not in a fun, challenging way, just due to the charting of the chords and HOPOs in the solo. It might not be as fun as it was on GH:WT but I still stand by my argument for it being a good choice in either game. THUMBS UP.

"Mountain Song" - Jane's Addiction
Yup, this chart's still made of turds and...hold on, let me check...yyyup, the song still sucks. THUMBS DOWN.

"My Own Worst Enemy" - Lit
Oh God, this song just screams "YOUNG ANGST". It might not have a great guitar chart but I do have fond memories of watching Chris Pratt singing this song WHILST playing Rock Band 2 on an early episode of Parks And Recreation. That scene never would've happened if not for this song's inclusion on-disc. Meh, can't say I'd miss it. It probably would've been just as funny if it was another generic Rock song from the 90s/00s like "All Star" - Smash Mouth. I probably would've preferred that song too. THUMBS DOWN.

"New Kid In School" - The Donnas
I enjoyed this one a lot and it's a pisser that it's not on Spotify, for some reason. Decent Rock song, pretty fun chart if I remember correctly and no reason for it not to be on the game aside from "it's not an award winning mega platinum single", but that's not the be all and end all. THUMBS UP.

"Night Lies" - Bang Camaro
Couldn't remember this song until I listened to it and watched the chart...even then, I couldn't remember playing it. Sounds like the best song KISS never recorded and the guitar chart's not bad too; it's even got a challenging second solo that isn't recognised as a solo for some reason. Definitely a strong Harmonix pick. THUMBS UP.

"Nine In The Afternoon" - Panic! At The Disco
Oh goody, a crappy angsty teen "Rock" song by Fake-Fall Out Boy that's trying to be ELO. This song can fuck right off with a rigid THUMBS DOWN.

"One Step Closer" - Linkin Park
I was wondering where all the crappy songs were hiding, since this soundtrack seemed too awesome to be true. Admittedly, this isn't the worst Linkin Park song I've heard but I still dislike it. At least it doesn't have fucking rapping in it, just angsty yelling and mediocre riffs. If you have to pick a Linkin Park song, I suppose they could've chosen worse for the game. Then again, they could've just not included Linkin Park. Therefore, THUMBS DOWN.

"One Way Or Another" - Blondie
Believe it or not, the Rock Band guitar chart is actually more fun than the Guitar Hero one! I know, it's a miracle! For that reason and all the reasons I praised this track for in the GH:WT post, it gets a THUMBS UP.

"Our Truth" - Lacuna Coil
Normality has been restored. This chart is DEFINITELY less fun than the GH:WT one. Without the fun guitar, this is just another whiny Nu-Metal track which deserves a THUMBS DOWN.

"Painkiller" - Judas Priest
The final boss of the game. Judas Priest have been funny with music licensing ever since 2009 so I'm glad they managed to get an awesome chart out of this fucking great track before GH:VH ruined it. It's not the hardest track Rock Band has ever produced (it's not even the hardest track in the game) but if you can nail those solos, you're in for a treat. Definitely a THUMBS UP!

"Panic Attack" - Dream Theater
I remember not caring for this song when I played it on Rock Band 2 but since then, I've come to appreciate it. It's more challenging/fun on guitar than "Pull Me Under" in GH:WT although I still don't think it's the best Dream Theater track they could've picked. "Constant Motion" as DLC would've been good too but this song does its job. It's Prog Metal with challenging guitar. THUMBS UP.

"PDA" - Interpol
Who the fuck are these guys? Are they the American version of all those shitty Indie/Alternative bands we had in the UK around the second half of the 00s? Anyway, this song's dull, even for generic RB charts. I'm not even sure it's a popular song that would deserve a spot on-disc. THUMBS DOWN.

"Peace Sells" - Megadeth
Yep, this is more like it. Popular Metal song from the 80s with an awesome guitar chart, arguably more awesome than the GH chart when it was released as DLC. This might actually be the only game with a Metallica song and a Megadeth song on the same setlist (I'm not counting their cover of "Paranoid" on GH:WOR) so that's kind of cool. THUMBS UP for being exactly the kind of track GH/RB should be putting on-disc!

"Pinball Wizard" - The Who
I love The Who but bloody hate this song. When the guitar chart isn't annoying, it's boring and since it's part of a Rock opera, it has a really shit structure. Notice how it just kind of tapers off and doesn't really end properly? Plus, that key change sucks. It might be a popular song by the band but it should've been DLC with those other Who songs. There are plenty of better tracks by this band for the on-disc setlist so it has to be a THUMBS DOWN.

"Pretend We're Dead" - L7
OK, I guess this is a song on-disc then. Nah, it's alright. Nothing special and I probably would've preferred "Wargasm" over this but L7 is L7. It's this game's "I Think I'm Paranoid", isn't it? I prefer that track but don't really hate this one. THUMBS UP for not being as bad as tracks like "PDA" or "Drain You".

"Psycho Killer" - Talking Heads
I probably wouldn't have pegged this as an on-disc song for RB but hey, it's not bad. Decent guitar chart apart from the ending solo and it's a fairly well known song. I guess it works on this game although I can't say I'd miss it if it were replaced with another song from a similar genre. On that basis, I suppose I should give it a THUMBS DOWN really.

"Pump It Up" - Elvis Costello
I feel the same about this track too, although a) the song is a lot better and b) the chart is a lot, lot worse. Probably a song for vocalists and maybe bassists but definitely not one for guitarists. We haven't had too many decent easy tracks recently so I'll give this a THUMBS UP for serving some purpose and not being as bad as other easy modern tunes.

"Ramblin' Man" - The Allman Brothers Band
Interesting how this song has the same solos as the GH:WT one, even though both are different from the album version. What's also interesting is that this chart is a lot harder on guitar, although still relatively easy compared to other challenging ones on this list. Fortunately, solos are still fun so it's easily a THUMBS UP.

"Rebel Girl" - Bikini Kill
Eww, female Punk. Ew, ew, EEWWWW! Oh God, some of it landed in my ears, fucking GROSS! This song wants to be "Cherry Bomb" so bad, it's almost funny. Almost. THUMBS DOWN.

"Rob The Prez-O-Dent" - That Handsome Devil
This song's definitely...something. It's a bit kooky and wacky but damn, it's got a fun guitar chart. Another winner from Harmonix bands! THUMBS UP.

"Rock 'n Me" - Steve Miller Band
I quite like this song but fuck me, I absolutely despise this chart. I'm guessing Harmonix don't like the Steve Miller Band very much as they always give them horrible guitar charts compared to GH ones. I would've preferred something like "Jet Airliner", "Living In The USA" or fucking anything instead of this. Shame, this chart probably could've been good. THUMBS DOWN.

"Round And Round" - Ratt
Surprised this song made the game, as Rock Band usually doesn't have much in the way of Hair Metal on-disc. It's Ratt's most well known song and it's fairly well known as far as Rock and Hair Metal goes so I suppose it isn't out of place here. At least it's still fun, even if I prefer the GH chart for timing the guitar chords to the chorus. THUMBS UP.

"Shackler's Revenge" - Guns N' Roses
"Hey, there's a Guns N' Roses song in Rock Band 2!"
"Cool, which one? "Paradise City"? "Sweet Child O' Mine"?"
"Nah, nothing off Appetite".
"Oh, maybe "November Rain"?"
"Nope, it's one off Chinese Democracy!"
"You mean Axl and Friends?"
"Yeah! Excited?"
"Nope. I'd rather shit in my hands and clap".

"Shooting Star" - Bad Company
Probably not my first choice for Bad Company tracks but goddamn, I'm glad this is playable in Rock Band. It's a lovely song and quite fun on guitar if you don't mind easy going songs. THUMBS UP for introducing people to this brilliant tune.

"Shoulder To The Plow" - Breaking Wheel
Can't say I like the song but the guitar chart's pretty fun if you're up for a challenge. However, as I've mentioned before, this game is chock full of awesome guitar charts which means a HOPO fest is nothing new at this point. What stands out in this setlist is a good song with an awesome guitar chart and making someone listen to this just so they can play a fun chart seems cruel, like offering poor kids chocolate that you've wiped on the floor first. THUMBS DOWN.

"So What'cha Want" - Beastie Boys
Fun fact: this song samples "E-Pro"! Another fun fact: this song sucks total dick. No reason for the Beastie Boys to be in RB/GH at all if "Sabotage" has already been covered. I mean, I suppose "Fight For Your Right" would work but is this song "Fight For Your Right"? Exactly. THUMBS DOWN.

"Souls Of Black" - Testament
Ooooh, dat bass though. Guitar's pretty sweet too, even if this song isn't really a Metal hit. It's still from one of Testament's best albums so it works for me! THUMBS UP.

"Spirit In The Sky" - Norman Greenbaum
I may slowly dislike this song a little more with each listen but I can't deny that it's a solid pick for Rock Band. It's well known, it's got a decent guitar chart and it's even got guitar solos...well, if you can call them solos. A good song for beginners. THUMBS UP.

"Spoonman" - Soundgarden
A vast improvement over "Black Hole Sun" from Rock Band. Fun riffs throughout and a challenging solo to sink your teeth into. Plus vocals, bass and drums sound pretty fun to play as well. THUMBS UP for being a well known track by a big band that's fun to play on each instrument (I'm assuming)!

"Supreme Girl" - The Sterns
Couldn't remember this song either. Listening to it again, it sounds alright and I'm pretty sure if I hated the guitar chart, it would've stuck in my memory like some of these songs. For not sucking, it gets a THUMBS UP.

"Tangled Up In Blue" - Bob Dylan
Seems neither GH or RB can pick the right Bob Dylan song. This might be nice to listen to but it's a right ballache to play on account of the lengthy and repetitive nature of the song. If this was "Knockin' On Heaven's Door", I would've been a lot more positive about Bob Dylan in a music game but since it's not, it gets a big ol' THUMBS DOWN.

"Teen Age Riot" - Sonic Youth
I think this was one of the last songs I played in the game. I remember getting a very big score and playing chords and chords and chords and chords and chords and chords and chords and chords and FUCKING HELL, WHEN WILL IT END?! That's basically how it felt to play this track. THUMBS DOWN.

"Testify" - Rage Against The Machine
Seriously? Is GH2 the only game that knew how to pick a good RATM song? I would've taken "Guerrilla Radio" or one of the many great tracks on their debut over this generic crap. Whilst RATM might fit in well with the game's soundtrack, this song is a poor choice and for that reason, it's a THUMBS DOWN.

"That's What You Get" - Paramore
OMG, HIGH SCHOOL IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HARRRRRD!! GH:WT definitely picked the better song, although I wouldn't have had a problem with "Crushcrushcrush" being picked either. THUMBS DOWN for angsty wank, which would've been a good band name for these guys if Paramore was taken.

"Today" - The Smashing Pumpkins
Of all the songs from Siamese Dream, this is the one that's picked on both games. Alright then. At least this chart seems a bit more fun than the GH:WT one but that's not really saying much, seeing as how both charts are fucking dull. THUMBS DOWN.

"The Trees" - Rush
Fun guitar if you can tolerate the shitty lyrics and even though a lot of Rush tracks have been made into DLC over the years, I don't really have a problem with this one being on-disc. I mean, there are still WAY better Rush songs out there that have yet to appear on RB but I don't feel like I've been robbed. This is Rush through and through so it gets a THUMBS UP.

"Uncontrollable Urge" - Devo
More New Wave? More New Wave! Not only that but it's New Wave with decent guitar and wacky vocals, which is probably at least 30% of New Wave. Can't say there's a better Devo song for the game as "Whip It" may be more well known but it's definitely not as fun. Solid pick. THUMBS UP.

"Visions" - Abnormality
THUMBS DOWN. Nothing else to say, otherwise I might end up crying fully clothed in the shower.

"We Got The Beat" - The Go-Gos
Another beginner's song on guitar. This song belongs on Rock Band 2 more than it did on Guitar Hero Encore: Rock The 80s, that's for sure. An easy song to get through as it's only two and a half minutes long so yeah, might as well give it a THUMBS UP and not draw attention to the fact that I actually quite like it.

"Welcome To The Neighborhood" - Libyans
This and "Visions" were the two reasons I didn't get all stars on the Endless Setlist 2. It's got an annoying guitar chart and it's generally just cruddy Punk by another Harmonix band. Fuck this song, fuck this inclusion and fucking fuck. THUMBS DOWN.

"Where'd You Go" - The Mighty Mighty Bosstones
At the time, I would've preferred "The Impression That I Get" but since that's on Rock Band 4 (and Band Hero), I have no issue with this track being on-disc. Just a harmless bit of Ska-Punk to mix things up and, if I recall, the guitar isn't too bad. Maybe that's just because I sort of like the track but it's still getting a THUMBS UP.

"White Wedding (Part 1)" - Billy Idol
That intro strumming section may have fucked me up when I first played this but at least the rest of the song rocks. Definitely Billy's most well known hit and even if "Rebel Yell" has the better chart, I can't argue with this being on-disc. THUMBS UP.

"You Oughta Know" - Alanis Morissette
The last song in the game and it's not "Ironic". Instead, it's one of the other popular songs off the same album. Funny how we started with "A Jagged Gorgeous Winter" and ended with something off Jagged Little Pill...well, I think so anyway. I would've swapped this song with "Ironic" but other than that, it's OK. Can't say I'd miss it if it were removed so it's a THUMBS DOWN for Alanis.

The ratings are in and it's 50 Thumbs Up to 34 Thumbs Down. That does mean that on the whole, I personally preferred Guitar Hero: World Tour's setlist more than this one, although some of the Thumbs Down choices in this list could've gone either way. Chances are if I went through each song and chart methodically, I'd probably come to the conclusion that both soundtracks are as good as each other, although there are definitely plenty of awesome songs in this game.
So what did we learn? Absolutely naff all. See you next week!

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