Wednesday 25 April 2018

Shout Out: Miracle Of Sound

Jesus, I've really let myself down with the lack of posts lately. Time to get right on that!

Kicking the rest of the posts off this month is a brief shout out to Miracle Of Sound, a one-man band who doesn't sound dreadful and look like a robot made of terrible musical instruments. The man in question is Gavin Dunne and he writes/plays a variety of songs that belong to Rock, Pop, Metal and other musical genres all related to video games, TV shows and/or films. However, the main difference between Miracle Of Sound and those bands that write Legend Of Zelda tributes that rip off melodies from those games and feel like the lyrics were compiled by an AI algorithm full of generic Zelda references is that this guy's music can stand on its own feet.
Some of the songs feature heavier lyrical references to the games than others (e.g. "Nord Mead" and "Another Round Of Gwent" relating heavier to Skyrim and The Witcher than, say, "Jet Fuel Heart" to Ratchet & Clank) but even then, the songs are great to listen to and don't feel as uninspired as many of the others literally Spotify and Youtube. However, the greatest aspect of Miracle Of Sound's music is the ability to capture the essence of the game/show without using melodies ripped straight from them. The song "My Shooting Star" comes pretty close with the use of slide guitar from Firefly but at the end of the day, it still sounds like a damn fine song.
If you're an active gamer who seeks out new titles rather than simply replaying the classics, you should probably check out Miracle Of Sound on Spotify or Youtube, as he has eight different albums full of original tunes and he's probably written about something you love. I mean, you should go ahead and check out the ones about games/shows you don't watch as they're incredible well written, but you know what I mean. Normally, I'd post a tracklist and highlight songs I really like from the album I gave a shout out to but since there are too many songs to write about here, I'm just gonna leave it with you to find this guy and give the songs that you're interested in listening to a try.
Yeah, I know this is a short and relatively unsatisfying post but if it introduces just one more person to Miracle Of Sound, it's done its purpose.
COMING SOON: Rapid Fire and video game posts!

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