Friday 9 June 2017

Taster Session #8

Back to the classic format for this posts, I'm afraid. Five new Rock/Metal singles from albums coming out this year with a link for you to sample each track along with my personal verdict.

"Dig Down" - Muse         (listen here)
From the album ???? (??/??/????)

Apparently, this song was written as a way of saying "don't let all the shit that's happening in the world get you down" and what better way of communicating that sentiment than with a terrible song and a step backward for the band's musical quality. Drones had me hopeful that the band were realising they're actually a Rock band instead of a shitty hipster synth outfit but now they've decided to write music off The 2nd Law again. Bland, repetitive WUBWUBWUBs and Matt Bellamy's moaning vocals carry this song because no other fucker's bothering to bring the thunder. On the plus side, it still sounds like Muse at its heart, although not good Muse. Just Muse Muse.

"Run" - Foo Fighters         (listen here)
From the album Concrete And Gold (15/09/17)

So far, we're 0 for 2. The song starts off like your typical sensitive Foos track but once percussion and heavy guitar riffs come in, it turns to shit. Dave's screaming is easily the worst aspect of any Foo Fighters song (not to be confused with his singing or shouting vocals, just when he screeches) and they're used a fair bit throughout the track. The riffing and guitar melodies are incredibly average but then so was everything about "Everlong" and people adore that song for some fucking reason. However, the most disappointing aspect has to be the drumming during the verse. It sounds wrong. It doesn't match the heavy riffs and sounds like the kind of percussion you'd hear in a shitty football anthem, not Hard Rock single for one of the biggest modern Rock bands on the planet.

"Must Be Nice" - Nickelback         (listen here)
From the album Feed The Machine (16/07/17)

My Nickelback policy is simple. If it sucks, it sucks. If it rocks, it rocks. "How You Remind Me" sucks. "Burn It To The Ground" rocks. This song rocks. Great riffs, sweet solo, steady rhythm, typical Rock song structure. It's not exactly the band pushing any boundaries and the vocal delivery in the verse is a little off-putting with repeat listens but if you want a solid Rock song, this is a good track to listen to. On a side note, that album cover is pretty fucking cool too. If it didn't have Nickelback at the top, more people would probably pick it up. Finally, a song I enjoyed and would want to hear again!

"Great Heathen Army" - Iced Earth         (listen here)
From the album Incorruptible (16/06/17)

Gotta love that chanting, although the intro does go on a bit long. I haven't discussed Iced Earth much (if at all) on the blog but if you like your Metal fast and heavy, check them out. I think the easiest comparison would be Slayer mixed with Iron Maiden but you could probably apply that to any American Metal band that doesn't rely on their sensitivity to pad songs. The music's a little dull and mostly serves as background noise for the vocals here, which goes against traditional Metal values but at least it isn't crap. It's just a bit meh, which is a shame as I had high hopes for this band's new material.

"Paranoiac Personality" - Alice Cooper         (listen here)
From the album Paranormal (28/07/17)

Now, see, THIS is proper Heavy Metal! It reminds me of "Believer" - Ozzy Osbourne with the bassline at the start but the riffs are a lot better than whatever Randy Rhoads was doing. It's a decent Rock song, although I'm hoping the outro doesn't just cut out like that on the album. Based on this track, I'd be tempted to give the rest of the album a listen, as I don't believe I've ever actually sat and listened to a full Alice Cooper album from start to finish before. I've tried to sit through a couple but gave up part way through. Anyway, good song!

Coming soon: a Showdown post featuring Halestorm covers and their originals!

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