Saturday 21 November 2015

Showdown: Cover Versions

It's taken me a long time to write this post, even though it's incredibly basic in principle. Last time I wrote a Showdown post, I was weighing up the tracks on Whitesnake's Purple Album against the Deep Purple originals. I had planned on writing more Showdown posts between now and then but never really knew what to write about. However, after hearing a decent Rock cover version of a new Pop song last night, I had an idea.
In this first post of (hopefully) quite a few, I'll be looking at select cover versions and comparing them to the originals in the Showdown format. Instead of just throwing in a bunch of random covers that I prefer/hate, I've decided to limit my choices either to iconic tracks that have lesser known but equally strong covers OR popular songs that are actually covers of originals most people might not even know about.
Since I wrote about non-Rock songs last week, I'll be limiting this post just to Rock/Metal songs and covers. If I get around to writing another of these in the future, I'll include Pop and other non-Rock genres then. Also, if it isn't obvious, I'll be discussing the original, then the cover, then my verdict on which is better. Time to get this fight started!

ROUND ONE: You Really Got Me
The Kinks - One of this band's signature songs and a damn good one at that. It's considered to be one of the earliest "Hard Rock" tracks in existence but regardless of whether you think it's Hard Rock, Garage Rock or just plain old Rock, it's a hell of a song. Heavy guitar riff (for the 60's), catchy chorus AND verse, fitting solo, all in the space of just over 2 minutes.
Van Halen - A solid cover with great vocals from David Lee Roth that helped propel the band to success when promoting their debut album. By and large, it's a pretty faithful cover except for a couple of differences after the second chorus. Eddie Van Halen beefs up the guitar solo to include more tapping and after he's finished, the final verse is a bit of a comedown with softer drums and no guitar melody. Considering it's only a short song, you shouldn't really need to slow things down in the middle.
VERDICT - An easy decision for me but honestly, both songs are good. However, the comedown in the Van Halen cover sort of spoils it for me. I like a song that can keep things consistent from start to finish without needing a breather in the middle so I'm awarding this win to The Kinks.

ROUND TWO: Blinded By The Light
Bruce Springsteen - I've made my thoughts on Bruce Springsteen perfectly clear on the blog before but this song isn't completely terrible. His voice doesn't sound as bloated as it usually does but I'm still not in love with the track. It sounds like too much of a cruise ship performance for me to really enjoy it, although I do prefer Bruce's original lyrics in the chorus.
Manfred Mann's Earth Band - It might be about as faithful as a pissed up Italian whose wife is away for the weekend but this is the version everyone knows, and with fairly good reason. "Wrapped up like a douche" confusion aside, it's a catchy little number that's easily more memorable than the original, thanks to the soft chorus after building up through the verses. This band took a mediocre cover and made it special, which is always the sign of a good cover, regardless of your opinion of how good either song actually is.
VERDICT - Bruce was always going to lose this one in my books but at least here, I can back up my prejudice against this rubbish vocalist. The lyrics might be better in the original but practically the entire song is better to listen to during the cover, so Manfred Mann's Earth Band win this one hands down.

Nine Inch Nails - Up until the last episode of Rick And Morty season 2, I wasn't really feeling this song. It's a slow burner but definitely rewarding if you sit and properly listen to it, although the minute of static noise at the end kind of stops this song from being one you want to listen to all the way through repeatedly. Still, the vocals are dripping in the amount of self-loathing that a song like this deserves. A powerful tune by a band I normally wouldn't care for.
Johnny Cash - Can we count Country music in this post, since it's technically not Rock? Ah whatever, it's close enough. There's been confusion in the past about whether this was the original or not but the pain behind the song is still there, albeit having moved from anger to depression. It might be less powerful than the original when it comes to the instruments that are used but it's equally as powerful when it comes to how the song actually sounds.
VERDICT - Tough one, this. They're both excellent in their own right and I would recommend both songs. However, since the Johnny Cash cover doesn't have the wasted minute at the end, I'm awarding the win to Johnny Cash this round. Maybe some of you will prefer the NIN original because of that minute where you get to just sit and reflect but for me personally, I'd rather spend that time listening to something new. Also, whilst I'm on the subject of great Johnny Cash covers, do give his rendition of "Cat's In The Cradle" - Harry Chapin a listen!

ROUND FOUR: Paranoid
Black Sabbath - An iconic Metal (or Rock, depending on your genre qualifications) song that is easily recognisable and arguably overplayed in comparison to other Black Sabbath tracks. I've always found the solo a bit dodgy on this recording, not because of the notes that are played but rather the actual sound of Iommi's guitar playing. It's also quite a flat song once you're used to other Rock tracks of the same decade so whilst I loved it when I first heard it, it's definitely one that's lost magic over time.
Megadeth - There are a couple of covers of this song but I've chosen Megadeth because it's one of the first covers I heard of this track. The tempo's a little faster, the guitar's a little heavier and the vocals are a lot better. I can't say I regard Ozzy's vocals highly but Dave Mustaine's just seem to fit better with this song. The only flaw in this track is the ending, which gets a little silly and ruins what I would've otherwise called a perfect cover.
VERDICT - Purists will no doubt find a million ways in which the Black Sabbath version trumps any and every cover but I would much rather listen to the cover in almost any given situation over the original. I still like the original but if I had to choose a winner, it'd be Megadeth.

ROUND FIVE: Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Bob Dylan - A song that's been covered an inordinate amount of times by a variety of artists but ultimately, this recording is the source. Bob Dylan's soft, soulful song about a sheriff hanging up his guns has a poignant quality to it that I've yet to hear in any other cover. It really does sound like the swan song of a man who's reached the end of the line and is ready to accept his fate. Not only is it a fantastic track where Bob Dylan actually sings instead of whines but it's one that really shouldn't have been covered to a lesser degree by any band, especially not these fuckknuckles...
Guns N' Roses - Gone is the sombre tranquillity from the original, gone are the simple guitar melodies or battle-fatigued vocals and gone is any shred of quality that Bob Dylan's recording had. Rather than perform a song with the emotion it deserves, Axl decided to shout and mewl all the way through it whilst Slash enjoys an unnecessarily long jerk-off sesh as the band make this song all about fucking them. Listening to this again to prepare for this post has made me hate Axl even more than I did before, as I bet it was him who wanted to cover/ruin this track in the first place.
VERDICT - Do I even need to say it? Some of you might think I chose this track just to have a dig at GNR but I reckon I could choose any cover of this song, whether it's Eric Clapton's shitty Reggae version or Avril Lavigne's stripped-back B-side, and still give the win to Bob Dylan. However, that being said, I will rarely miss the opportunity to stab and twist the knife into Axl Rose's vocal work.

ROUND SIX: Baby, Please Don't Go
Big Joe Williams - A Blues song from the 1930's, Big Joe Williams' original is stripped back and lacking in any kind of power but that's to be expected, really. It's still a decent Blues song but combine the poor recording quality with the basic structure and it's unlikely to strike a chord with you, unless you're a Blues fanatic. Again, this track has been covered a hell of a lot and most covers will probably be better than the original so in a complete contrast to the last example, I've decided to pick a cover that didn't make me want to punch the vocalist.
Aerosmith - The added bass, drums and additional guitar melodies really make this track. The driving rhythm and fast pace give it an edge that Big Joe never could've pulled off with a nine-stringed guitar and his foot. Perhaps the aggression in the vocals doesn't fit to perfection with the lyrics but this is definitely a song for a more contemporary Rock audience. Blues fanatic or not, you have to love that bass though.
VERDICT - I'm not a massive fan of old Blues songs as they do little to captivate me but even if I did like the original, I'd have to be crazy to not award this to Aerosmith for a top quality cover.

ROUND SEVEN: Can't Find My Way Home
Blind Faith - Maybe this isn't a notable Rock song but it's been covered more times than a piss-stain on a white carpet and I still love it as much as I did when I first heard it. Everything about it is simple yet so, so effective. However, it's the vocals that really shine here, although the high pitch might put some listeners off. Luckily, I'm not one of those listeners and this song will always hold a special place for me. For this comparison, I've picked a cover that does something...a little different with the cover.
Black Label Society - Whilst I like a few of this band's heavier songs off the same album, this cover feels inappropriate. It starts off well with strings and piano but when Zakk Wylde sounds like he does, I'm not sure why they chose to cover a song that requires delicate vocals. Not only that but towards the end, Zakk decides to turn it into slosh by mindlessly shredding all over the fucking place. If Zakk was feeling a little insecure about his skills and wanted everyone to know that he's a shit-hot guitarist, he should've picked a different song to whack it out to.
VERDICT - A poor choice of cover for BLS, although it could've worked if Zakk Wylde stuck to the piano like a good boy. There are a few bands who have covered this song that may have stood a better chance than the one I chose (such as Styx and Stuffy Shmitt) but Blind Faith definitely trump Black Label Society on this one.

ROUND EIGHT: Born To Be Wild
Steppenwolf - A solid driving anthem and another contender for the earliest "Hard Rock" track in existence but it's also had its fair share of covers over the years. Crunching guitar riffs and a short but strong chorus are usually what make these songs stand out, and that's certainly the case with this easy rider too. It's just a shame the track fades out during what sounds like a good solo too.
The Cult - Why the fuck did they slow the tempo down? Maybe they wanted it to sound more like one of their songs but if that were the case, surely they would've played at their standard 140 bpm instead of fucking about with the song. Also, is it me or does Ian Astbury sound like he's taking the piss with his vocals on this one? I love him as a vocalist and the Electric album is definitely in my good books but this cover really brings both him and the album down.
VERDICT - If someone were to write a book about how to record a good cover version, Rule #1 should be "Don't cover Born To Be Wild or Gimme Some Lovin" as I've never heard a solid cover of either of those two tracks, and The Cult's recording should act as a black flag for any other bands who think they can get away with a shitpoor/experimental cover of an iconic song. Steppenwolf all the way here.

ROUND NINE: Hanging On The Telephone
The Nerves - I feel like this should be common knowledge by now but the version of this song you probably know is actually a cover of a track by The Nerves. As far as the music, structure and vocals goes, it's all pretty sound. There's nothing really wrong with the song but it's all just a bit flat, if you ask me. There's nothing about it that stands out if you've heard the cover as it's pretty much just the same verse/chorus over and over until the end. Good effort but I can see why the Blondie cover is the preferred track.
Blondie - A perfect example of how someone has taken a song and made it their own. Blondie's cover adds a few extra instruments and a brief middle-eight that spices things up a tad. Overall, it's a short and punchy tune that's faithful to the original in all the places that count and different enough to make it better to listen to.
VERDICT - Opinion is a deciding factor for most of these songs but when a track is improved by a tidy solo or perhaps more fitting instruments, it's not exactly a difficult decision to make. Blondie may not be a fantastic band outside of their well known Rock singles but they easily win this round.

ROUND TEN: Summertime Blues
Eddie Cochran - Time to end on another Blues Rock track and what better than another short number that's had a string of covers. The bizarre thing about this song is that I've never heard a cover which keeps the same tempo as the original which, in my opinion, make this song enjoyable. The bouncing rhythm, low vocals and clean guitar riff without any complications make this a great gem from the 50's, which is something you won't hear me say that often.
Rush - Yep, Rush are one of the bands who have covered this one. I was tempted to use the more well known covers by either The Who and Blue Cheer but to be honest, they all make the same mistake in going overboard with the heavy riffing and slowing down the tempo so it's irrelevant as to which one I compare with the original. I suppose I should add "Summertime Blues" to the list of songs that no band should ever cover, if this is the standard.
VERDICT - Please let me know if a band has recorded a truly faithful cover of this track, as I'd be willing to give it a shot. Until that date, it's fair to say Eddie Cochran will always be superior.

If you have any covers that you recommend over the originals that I've listed in this post, let me know. I'll probably return to cover versions in a Showdown post sometime in the future although I'll happily welcome recommendations of tracks to listen to for that as well.

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