Tuesday 27 February 2018

Shout Out: A Hat In Time (Original Game Soundtrack) - Pascal Michael Stiefel

Apologies for another video game post so soon after the Guitar Hero 2 one but I miscalculated the timing of future album reviews, meaning I have to wait a couple of weeks to review the new Judas Priest album...so time for some filler!

A Hat In Time is easily my favourite game of 2017 and definitely one of my all-time favourite platformers too...but you probably could've guessed that I love the game, what with it being here in a Shout Out post. I could've picked many top tier game soundtracks to write about ranging from classics like Ocarina Of Time to underrated gems like Tearaway Unfolded but for this short little post, I chose A Hat In Time mostly because it's a soundtrack that continued to consistently amaze me all the way through my playthrough of the game. In my experience, many game soundtracks have at least one period of downtime where the music isn't to my liking; one hub world or significant portion of the game where the music is a weaker than the rest of the soundtrack. Not A Hat In Time!
I can't think of a single beat in the game's natural progression that suffers from that misstep; every chapter, every environment has at least one brilliant tune from the classic overworld music of Mafia Town to the incredible boss battle tune in the Dead Bird Studios world. There might be weaker tunes or variations that pop up now and then but you don't have to wait long to hear another belter. Also, if you don't like one of the songs during certain key levels, there are unlockable remixes that you can swap main tunes out for. Granted most of the remixes aren't as good as the originals but it's still quite fun to hear a Disney-fied version of the Snatcher boss theme or the electro-swing remix of "Train Rush".
The game's composer, Pascal Michael Stiefel, is mostly known for creating remixes of game music so there are a few familiar melodies tweaked just enough to make them into new songs. There are elements of the Song Of Storms in "The Windmill Peak" level and I literally had to check to make sure the music from "Picture Perfect" wasn't lifted from Super Mario Galaxy or one of the many Mario Kart games. However, the main takeaway here is that the soundtrack does a perfect job of capturing the tone of each level, whether it's chilling edge-of-your-soiled-seat horror levels set in Queen Vanessa's Manor or joyful platforming and exploration of each village in the Alpine Skyline world. It's a delightful soundtrack that I strongly advise checking out or just full-on purchasing, as it's only $9.99 for 78 tracks.

1. Main Theme
2. Title Screen
3. File Select
4. New Adventure
5. The Mystery Track
6. Welcome To Mafia Town
7. Welcome To Mafia Town (Remix) [Feat. Qumu]
8. Time Piece Released
9. Barrel Battle
10. A New Friend In Mafia Town
11. Mafia Town Is Asleep
12. She Came From Outer Space
13. So, What's The Plan
14. Mafia HQ
15. The Badge Seller
16. Mafia Boss' Big Showdown
17. Mafia Boss' Big Showdown (Remix) [Fear. AdulescensF]
18. Heating Up Mafia Town
19. No More Mafia Boss
20. Scootin' Through Mafia Town
21. Deadbird Studio Reception
22. Dead Bird Studio
23. You Are Now Legally A Bird
24. The Ratings Are In
25. Picture Perfect
26. Picture Perfect (Remix) [Feat. Carlos Eiene]
27. Murder On The Owl Express
28. Who Dun It
29. Tick Tock
30. The Phone's Ringing
31. Metal Bork
32. The Conductor's Train
33. Train Rush
34. Trainwreck Of Electro Swing (Remix)
35. The Big Parade
36. Turn On The Pyrotechnics
37. The Annual Bird Movie Award
38. Dead Bird Studio Basement
39. Dead Bird Studio Is Closed
40. The Battle Of Award 42
41. Heart To Heart
42. Subcon Forest
43. Scootin' Through Subcon Forest
44. Snatcher's  Contractual Obligations
45. Oh It's You
46. Subcon Village
47. Subcon Village (Remix) [Feat. Echorobot]
48. The Fire Spirits
49. The Subcon Caves
50. Toilet Of Doom
51. A Forsaken Place
52. Entering Vanessa Manor
53. Vanessa Wants To Play
54. You're Safe Now
55. Your Contract Has Expired
56. Your Contract Has Expired (Remix) [Feat. Cameron Munoz]
57. The Tower Of The Goats
58. Alpine Skyline
59. The Birdhouse Peak
60. The Lava Cake Peak
61. The Windmill Peak
62. The Twilight Bell Peak
63. Alpine Skyline At Night
64. The Weather Has Cleared
65. Clocktowers Beneath The Sea
66. Scootin' Through Clocktowers Beneath The Sea
67. Clocktowers Beneath The Sea (Remix) [Feat. AdolescensF]
68. Mafia Of Cooks Time Rift
69. Battle Of The Birds Time Rift
70. Subcon Forest Time Rift
71. Alpine Skyline Time Rift
72. Roll The Slots
73. Judge, Jury And Executioner
74. You Are All Bad Guys
75. Get Lost
76. Little Help From My Friends
77. Goodbye Everyone
78. The End

I haven't checked out the album of B-sides and additional remixes from this game yet but since it contains music from the upcoming DLC pack (including New Game +, local Co-Op mode and a brand new chapter, ALL FOR FREE!), I'll have to seek it out soon.

Saturday 17 February 2018

Thunderbolt - Saxon

Good news! We're back to doing album reviews for a bit, starting with the latest offering from Saxon!

If you're an avid reader of my blog, you'll know my thoughts on Saxon already; they're one of the few Rock/Metal bands in existence that have improved with age. Whilst that may ring true for rerecordings of their classics, can the same be said for their new studio albums? In this case, sadly not. Thunderbolt is a let down to someone who's heard the band's greatest hits and smashing deep cuts but as far as Heavy Metal goes, it's not bad; it's just a bit "meh" from the band that gave us Sacrifice just five years ago.
The album starts off with the moody, atmospheric "Olympus Rising", a short instrumental that wouldn't be out of place during the introduction of a powerful boss battle in a game or film. It would've been cool if it was fleshed out into a full track but instead, we get "Thunderbolt" afterwards, a half hearted follow up. As far as true album openers, lead singles and title tracks go, "Thunderbolt" isn't bad. It sounds like your typical Saxon song but with a slightly weaker chorus that slows the song's Heavy Metal momentum down. When I first listened to this song, I was worried that Saxon's new album would be a little too one-note and that they'd become the new Motorhead. Fortunately, the band must've been aware of this risk and decided to take steps to avoid that.
The album features several tracks that sound like Saxon's attempt at a musical subgenre taster platter. There's an epic Power Metal blini complete with orchestral elements and a high speed guitar solo ("Nosferatu (The Vampire's Waltz)"), a Speed Metal slider containing lyrical and musical references to Motorhead in tribute to Lemmy ("They Played Rock And Roll") and a Death Metal quiche, featuring guest vocalist Johan Hegg from Amon Amarth ("Predator"). Whilst I applaud Saxon for their attempt to separate this album from others through conscious stylistic changes, none of the previous songs work strongly as either a Power/Speed/Death Metal track or a Saxon one. They're all heavily produced but utterly mediocre, the closest thing to an exception being the raw version of "Nosferatu (The Vampire's Waltz)" included at the end of the album.

However, Saxon didn't go full-experimental and included new tracks for fans of their classic and contemporary material. "The Secret Of Flight" contains a distinctly modern sounding riff but a similar vocal melody to "Power And The Glory", released a good thirty years or so ago, and "A Wizard's Tale" successfully blends a galloping Metal rhythm with lyrical themes that wouldn't be out of place in a Dio record. This is where the album either excels or falters depending on what you want out of it, as it's an understandably mediocre release for a band that have put out 22 studio albums so far.
The album is well recorded and the songs are passable, meaning you'll probably love it if you just want bog standard Heavy Metal with lyrics about mythology and feats of engineering to stick on in the background whilst driving to work or doing the washing up. However, if you want something a bit more memorable, something to revisit frequently and mentally take apart with each listen, you may be disappointed. There are a few songs with decent riffs and driving rhythms to enjoy ("Sniper", "Speed Merchants") but nothing with the same immediately apparent passion and energy as other modern Saxon songs like "Hammer Of The Gods", a far more exciting song about Norse mythology than "Sons Of Odin".
Then there's the matter of the lyrical themes. Saxon have had their embarrassing moments in the past (such as literally writing a song about standing in a queue called, you guessed it, "Standing In A Queue") but much like some of the solos and riffs, this album feels a little uninspired when it comes to subject matters. "Roadies' Song" would've been a great concept if Tenacious D hadn't beat them to the punch half a decade ago and the general repetition of melodies and riffs from previous Saxon material means that things start to sound a little stale. As I said, these are fine if you haven't already been exposed to them en masse but if you've seen and heard it all before, there's nothing particularly special about their use here.

Thunderbolt is OK. That's the short version of this review; it's an average Metal album by a band that have been capable of much better in recent years. The band still have life in them so I'll refrain from mourning the loss of one of my favourite Metal bands until it's evident that Saxon are physically and creatively tapped but hopefully their next album (because there probably will be another album) will come when the band are ready to blow our socks off, not when they need the money for a loft extension.
I rate Thunderbolt 5/10, mostly for effort. The songs that aren't straightforward Heavy Metal may not belong on the album but it's commendable that the band are gingerly stepping out of their comfort zone when remaining firmly in the Heavy Metal category has served them well so far. It's just a shame that the Heavy Metal songs included are all a bit run-of-the-mill this time round. At least Saxon still know how to put on a top notch live show and can really bring out the better aspects of their material live on stage, which is more than some Heavy Metal bands going through the motions can say.
COMING SOON: a review of the new Judas Priest album!

Friday 16 February 2018

Guitar Hero 2

Continuing the unofficial series of blog posts I'm writing about the soundtracks for all the different Guitar Hero and Rock Band games, this entry is all about the setlist for the 2006 music game, Guitar Hero 2. Along with GH3 and GHM, this is widely considered to have one of the best setlists in the Guitar Hero franchise...but are we looking at the game through rose tinted lenses or does the soundtrack still hold up to this date? I intend to find out in the same way that I did with the following setlists:
Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks The 80s
Guitar Hero 3: Legends Of Rock
Guitar Hero: World Tour
Rock Band 2
The Beatles: Rock Band
Lego Rock Band
Guitar Hero: Van Halen
Rock Band 3
Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock
Rock Band 4

I'll be going through the entire game's main soundtrack (including the bonus Xbox 360 tracks but NOT the game's bonus songs that you can purchase) and deciding whether each song deserves a Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down based around three key factors. 1) Whether I actually like the song (since this game mostly consists of WaveGroup covers, I'll be judging those). 2) Whether the song is fun to play on guitar. 3) Whether the song deserves to be included in the game based on its popularity or relevance to the Guitar Hero term.
At the end, I'll tally up all the Thumbs Up/Down to determine if the game's soundtrack is a yay or nay. So now we've gone through that obligatory explanation, let's revisit this setlist!

"Bad Reputation" - Thin Lizzy
I don't even need to revisit the WaveGroup cover of this to tell you it's a THUMBS DOWN. Thin Lizzy have recorded so many great songs with amazing guitar melodies such as "Whiskey In The Jar", "Cowboy Song", "Waiting For An Alibi", "Cold Sweat" and more. Why in the hell did Harmonix think "Bad Reputation", a lesser known, easily forgettable song of theirs that's mostly strumming and waiting, deserved a spot in the game's soundtrack? My bet is it was probably a personal choice from one of the game's creative directors, even if the solo is alright.

"Beast And The Harlot" - Avenged Sevenfold
Ahh, the beginning of the A7X rhythm music craze. Granted it probably would've happened sooner or later but this song was the one that started it all off...and with pretty good reason. It's a decent song that makes for a great challenge, definitely worth being in the game and (as far as I know) a popular track by A7X too. Regardless of how I felt about it being in RB3, this song is fun as a WaveGroup cover in early GH games and deserves a THUMBS UP as a result.

"Billion Dollar Babies" - Alice Cooper
The first Xbox 360 exclusive track (and, therefore, one of many that I've never actually played). As far as WaveGroup covers go, it's hit and miss. The guitar sounds terrible but the vocals aren't too bad. I'm not a huge fan of the song so it's mostly down to whether it's a fun chart and a decent Alice Cooper choice. It's got a decent solo and some fun riffs, perfect for a mid-tier track, and the song's one of Cooper's biggest hits. It'd make sense to choose fun over popularity when it's not the original and part of an expanded setlist. Yeah, I'm OK with this choice. THUMBS UP.

"Can't You Hear Me Knockin'" - The Rolling Stones
Well, at least they picked a shorter version to cover. Never thought I'd say that but here we are. The guitar riff in the cover starts off pretty well although the rest of the track quickly turns to shit, even doing the impossible and finding a vocalist to cover a Rolling Stones song who sounds worse than Mick Jagger. God, I fucking hate this song. The "CAN YOU HEAR ME KNOCKIN'" riff is awful and even though it has the makings of a track I should love, there's nothing I like about this cover from the intro riff to the crappy outro solo. What's worse is there are plenty of great Rolling Stones songs that likely haven't been made into GH/RB DLC because of unavailable master tapes, meaning WaveGroup covers were the easiest way to get songs like "It's All Over Now" and "Jumpin' Jack Flash". THUMBS DOWN.

"Carry Me Home" - The Living End
Man, I forgot how awesome this song is. Not only is it excellent for guitarists looking for a challenge but it's a pretty fucking great cover too, arguably superior to the original at least as far as vocals are concerned. It's also a fairly well known track by The Living End (though I'm not sure if that's because of this game or general radio play) but I still think it belongs in this game more than some of their other great tracks like "West End Riot" and "Into The Red". THUMBS UP.

"Carry On Wayward Son" - Kansas
I'm sure I've talked about this cover in the past but I still feel that the original is easily the best version. The vocals in the intro followed by the muted guitar riff sound wrong but at least they're not terrible to play. I think it's fair to say that a lot of people discovered this song due to this game, since it suddenly started appearing everywhere after 2006, but it's a shame the cover's kinda meh. At least it's a solid choice and a fun chart, which earns it a THUMBS UP.

"Cherry Pie" - Warrant
Hats off to WaveGroup for recording a pretty fucking spot-on version of this song. Well known Hair Metal anthem, sweet guitar chart and a top quality cover. All in all, the perfect song for GH2. THUMBS UP.

"Crazy On You" - Heart
I remember hating playing this on GH2 but that was mostly because I wasn't a very good player and this has a semi-challenging guitar chart. Revisiting it, I kinda dig it. Fun guitar throughout and a serviceable cover (although the spot-on guitar tones deserve a major shout out!), but is it the best Heart song to cover? Yes. Absolutely. Without a shadow of a doubt, this was the right choice. THUIMBS UP.

"Dead!" - My Chemical Romance
Ugh, these guys. Fair play to these twinks, this isn't a bad song for GH. Fun guitar chart (which is fucking rare for these wankers), a catchy sound that isn't just your overly affected strumfest lamenting how hard it is to be Alternative in high school and from what I know about MCR, it's one of their more popular songs. Oh, and it's one of four master recordings in the game...and an Xbox 360 exclusive track. If I didn't know this was MCR, I'd probably like the track a lot so I've got no choice but to give it a THUMBS UP. I know, weird huh.

"Free Bird" - Lynyrd Skynyrd
Do I really need to spend more than a single line explaining this one? Nope! THUMBS UP.

"Freya" - The Sword
This is one of the main reasons why I believe the Guitar Hero 2 soundtrack is regarded as one of the best. Yes, you've got WaveGroup covers of bands that wouldn't appear in GH/RB as master recordings for some time (if at all) and a myriad of fun guitar songs but you've also got lesser known modern Hard Rock/Metal songs that fans of classic bands like Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin are likely to enjoy. It's the perfect balance to create the ultimate Rock music rhythm game. The fun chart and great cover quality are added features at this point, as is the bitchin' outro. THUMBS UP.

"Girlfriend" - Matthew Sweet
I've played this song on GH2 and listened to it as a way of reminding myself about the song...and yet, I still can't tell you anything about it. It's so fucking non-descript and average, even if it does have a fun solo. There are plenty of other one-off Rock songs that could've been better used in this game but instead, we get Placeholder - Fuckin Who?! taking up a slot. It's not a terrible song but it doesn't deserve a win for any of the key factors I'm judging these on. THUMBS DOWN I'm afraid.

"Hangar 18" - Megadeth
Oh shit, this song gave me so much trouble when I first played this game. It's a shame the cover is possibly one of WaveGroup's weakest in that it sounds barely anything like the original but it still sounds good enough. There's also the added benefit of it being one of Megadeth's better known songs deliberately picked to be an insane challenge for guitarists at the end of the game. Whilst there are other Megadeth songs that I think I prefer to listen to, this is definitely the best choice for the game (way better than "Symphony Of Destruction" in GH1). THUMBS UP.

"Heart-Shaped Box" - Nirvana
Hmmm...on the one hand, it's one of Nirvana's bigger tracks ignoring the obvious one that they chose not to go with for some reason. On the other much bigger hand, it's not the most fun guitar track and Nirvana aren't really a band that comes to mind when I think of the term Guitar Hero. They might work in later games or DLC but not GH1-3 on-disc tracks. It's a THUMBS DOWN from me.

"Hush" - Deep Purple
It's a shame this wasn't on the PS2 version but it's still a damn good track. It's a solid little chart for those who want a fun but relatively easy song on guitar but thankfully, it's a great cover with a neat little guitar solo written in and a sensible choice for a Deep Purple song. Sure, there are plenty of more challenging Hard Rock songs they could've gone with but there's nothing wrong with this Psychedelic choice from the band's early career. Hopefully one day we'll get it as Rock Band DLC since they seem to be revisiting all the GH setlists now. THUMBS UP.

"Institutionalized" - Suicidal Tendencies
Fuck this song. Horrible to listen to, crap to play, rubbish choice for 80s Metal (although this game has some great choices overall) and completely lacking in anything remotely enjoyable. There are plenty of challenging guitar songs that should've taken its place so it's a hard THUMBS DOWN for this utter shithawk of a tune.

"Jessica" - The Allman Brothers Band
Ah yes, the second best Southern Rock epic in the game. Easily one of the most fun songs to play and it's not a terrible WaveGroup cover. The guitar tone is great and the omission of the piano solo to make it more fun in GH doesn't sound bad either. The Allman Brothers Band have plenty of fun songs to choose from but this has to be the best choice, as all the others wouldn't be anywhere near as fun or popular except maybe "Ramblin' Man"...but I'm glad we got the original two years later instead. THUMBS UP.

"John The Fisherman" - Primus
Ewww, Primus. I know they're kinda shitty normally but goddamn, they sound even worse as a WaveGroup cover. I mean, the vocalist is doofy and the guitar tone is just awful. WaveGroup really fucked up when...wait...oh, it's a master recording? Yeesh, what a waste. I wouldn't mind if this was a bonus song and one of the bonus tracks like "Soy Bomb" or "Raw Dog" was a main setlist choice instead...but Jesus, this is bad. It's not even fun to play, it's just a solid lump of bad. THUMBS DOWN.

"Killing In The Name" - Rage Against The Machine
You might be thinking that I'm generally shitting on the more modern songs but this is one that I actually like quite a bit. Whilst the GH:SH chart is still my favourite (let's not talk about the Rock Band one), the GH2 guitar chart isn't that bad and WaveGroup successfully manage to recreate a Tom Morello guitar solo without completely fucking everything up. They also did a good job rewriting the lyrics to be a bit more family friendly so overall, a good effort. It's also one of the better RATM choices, as Guitar Hero 3 and Rock Band 2 would prove. THUMBS UP.

"Laid To Rest" - Lamb Of God
It's not the best song to listen to but it's a solid choice for some modern Metal that isn't just a recreation of 70s/80s stuff. Plus, that guitar chart is just fucking great. Actually, so is WaveGroup's cover. I actually had to double check to make sure it wasn't the original as the guitar tones are damn near identical. It's only when the verse vocals come in that you realise it's not Lamb Of God but musically, the cover's good. I'm assuming this is one of Lamb Of God's better known tracks as we've had barely any other tracks of theirs in music games so far. So yeah, sweet pick. THUMBS UP.

"Last Child" - Aerosmith
I'm torn on this one. It's a good little tune but I doubt any Aerosmith fan (casual or hardcore) would choose this straight away if you asked them for the best Aerosmith song; at least not if they were listening to this cover. Maybe this choice was more to do with Aerosmith being notoriously expensive to license so they wanted a nice, cheap B-side to cover instead. Either way, it's a good song with a semi-fun but easily forgettable chart. When weighing up the positives (only just passable WaveGroup cover, fun chart) against the negatives (not amazingly fun to play, so many better Aerosmith songs to pick from), I've got to go with my gut and say THUMBS DOWN if only because a song like "Walk This Way", "Back In The Saddle" or "Sweet Emotion" would've been awesome. However, this isn't a bad B-side choice.

"Life Wasted" - Pearl Jam
Another Xbox 360 exclusive that I'm a bit jealous of. I'm a bit surprised they went with modern Pearl Jam when you'd assume any of their 90s hits would've been the obvious choices. Still, it's a fun song off an underrated album and a good WaveGroup cover. I wouldn't replace this with any other song of theirs, mostly because I wouldn't be able to play it anyway. THUMBS UP.

"Madhouse" - Anthrax
I wish we got more Anthrax stuff off the Spreading The Disease album that wasn't a WaveGroup cover or shitty live recording. Ah well, at least GH2 knew what was up. Bitchin' tune from the band's best album, what's not to like? Fun guitar, totally relevant for the game and a solid cover. THUMBS UP without a moment's hesitation.

"Message In A Bottle" - The Police
The Police are a funny beast in the world of Rock Band/Guitar Hero. They're a relatively popular Rock band with a very limited collection of fun songs. "Message In A Bottle" is OK to listen to and sort of fun to play but it's not a track I would ever seek out; it's just one that I enjoy when I'm experiencing it. It's also a very sensible choice for the game, what with it having some decent but easy guitar sections for early on in the career and it being one of the band's biggest hits. Yeah, THUMBS UP I guess. I don't hate it or even dislike it, I'm just wildly indifferent but have no beef against it.

"Misirlou" - Dick Dale
Hoo boy, THIS song. I'm not sure if they were better off choosing this version or going with the Del-tones one used in Pulp Fiction. Either way, it's a fun song with LOTS of rapid strumming. If that's your jam, you better get on this song. If you hate rapid strumming, you'll probably get very little out of this other than a fail screen but luckily, it's not an arse of a song to strum hopelessly along to. Great tune, good choice for one of the game's main challenging tracks. THUMBS UP.

"Monkey Wrench" - Foo Fighters
I'll be honest, I don't even remember playing this in GH2. I remember it in Smash Hits and I loosely remember seeing it in the setlist but I can't remember playing it at all! However, the chart is pretty standard. A lot of chords, a lot of strumming but it's all in service of a great Foos track from an album with a lot of crappy hits that could've been picked instead. The cover's not bad either, I dare say the vocalist does a better job than Dave Grohl during the shouty bit. Despite being a totally forgettable song and chart in the collection of music that is Guitar Hero 2, I'm giving this a THUMBS UP.

"Mother" - Danzig
Not a huge fan of Danzig or this song but I guess it's quite popular? The vocalist did his best but he was never going to sound like Mr Danzig so any attempt at covering this song would always just sound like a parody. So yeah, not a huge fan of the song choice or cover quality...but is it fun to play? Meh, it's OK. Pretty standard affair up until the last solo which is great. I praised the soundtrack earlier for their choice of Rock and Metal from recent years with a similar sound to classic artists as  away of introducing fans to new material...but this song was released in the 80s, the same decade as Judas Priest, Metallica and Scorpions material. Granted most of those bands made it to Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks The 80s but I still feel like this is a meh song at best, even if it's not terrible to play. Fuck, I'm conflicted. I'm gonna say THUMBS DOWN purely because I wouldn't miss this song if it was replaced with something else, even if I'm not a huge fan of the song replacing it.

"Possum Kingdom" - Toadies
Another Xbox 360 exclusive and master recording combo...and it's mediocre! Positives first: it's got a sweet riff that's kinda fun to play (by the looks of it). It's also a somewhat popular song, I guess? However, it's your typical 90s Alternative, Pop Punk shit only this isn't Weezer or The Offspring or some other similar band with songs that'd be amazing to play in GH. As far exclusive bonus tracks go, this is pretty dull and should've been something more fun to listen to/play (even if it was meant to be an early career mode track to warm your fingers up). THUMBS DOWN though I might buy it as Rock Band DLC in the future.

"Psychobilly Freakout" - Reverend Horton Heat
Ahhhhh, this song's grown on me. I may not have enjoyed my experience of it in GH2 but since I've improved over time, I can appreciate this song for what it is. It's the wacky GH song full of fun yet incredibly challenging guitar (for the time) that one of the developers happened to know and decided to include that you find in most GH games. GHWOR had the Snot song, GH5 had the Jeff Beck jazz one, even GH:WT had "Satch Boogie". I'm OK with this not being a well known song by a well known band if it serves a purpose in the game's soundtrack, and it does! It serves a similar purpose to "Misirlou" but in a more fun way. It's also a pretty fucking great cover so THUMBS UP. Fuck the haters.

"Rock And Roll, Hoochie Koo" - Rick Derringer
Oh neat, some more Classic Rock. Oh wait, it was an Xbox 360 exclusive. Shit. At least Rock Band 4 got the master recording (for which I am eternally grateful) but the GH2 cover and chart are still good. Sure, the outro solo might seem a little forced but the actual solo is brilliant and the whole song is full of amazing guitar sections. Definitely a true Guitar Hero song, even if it is a lesser known Classic Rock track outside of America. Well, it got a Thumbs Up in RB4 so it's definitely getting one here too! THUMBS UP.

"Rock This Town" - Stray Cats
This is definitely one of the most fun songs in the game, along with "Jessica" and one coming up a bit later. Everything about this song is fucking brilliant. Most fun songs have some kind of downtime section where it's just chords, strumming or nothing at all but this track has a fun and varied chart from start to finish. Rock Band released a version as DLC that couldn't hold a candle to this chart, although at least that was still fun. The GH2 version, however, will always be a testament to the perfect GH chart, even if the song isn't exactly GH material. THUMBS UP.

"Salvation" - Rancid
Generic 90s Punk, as bland as you can imagine. Boring chart, terrible song, plenty of better Punk tunes out there to include if you want an easy song to kick the game off and I wouldn't even consider it a significant song in general if you're after great Rock tracks for the game. Thankfully it's an Xbox 360 exclusive so I never had to play it but this should've been something else. THUMBS DOWN.

"Seach And Destroy" - Iggy Pop And The Stooges
From dull Punk to amazing Punk AND quite possibly my favourite song in the game. Note: it's not the most fun song in the game (that's probably "Rock This Town") but it's still my favourite. I always enjoyed playing it, even if I wasn't good enough to completely nail that amazing outro solo. Granted the chart's a little undercharted and the cover sounds iffy at times but overall, it's a great effort by WaveGroup and adequately challenging enough for where it is in the game's career mode. It's a shame we've yet to experience this in Rock Band but there's still hope for the future, especially since I heard a rumour that it was optioned for Guitar Hero: Smash Hits. As for whether it's the best Iggy song to go with, it's definitely the best Iggy and the Stooges song to pick...you know what, it's the best Iggy song in general. Semi-well known but obscure enough to introduce casual listeners to a cracking tune. THUMBS UP.

"Shout At The Devil" - Motley Crue
OK, so it might be a lame cover but as far as entry level songs go, this is one of the best. A well known Hair Metal track that successfully crosses into full on Heavy Metal territory and contains plenty of fun little HOPO sections to separate it from bland sustain of chordfests. It might not be the perfect song (fuck that trill solo) but as it was the first song I played in Guitar Hero 2, I can testify that it perfectly sets the tone for the great game ahead of you. THUMBS UP.

"Stop" - Jane's Addiction
You know my feelings towards Jane's Addiction and this is one of the songs that started the general animosity I harbour. Frustrating chart, cruddy song and not even the best choice by this band. "Idiots Rule", "Been Caught Stealing" or "Just Because" would've been much better for the game and arguably as well known (if not more so) than this song. However, one positive thing about the track is that it is indeed the original master recording. Sadly it's the master recording of a naff song so THUMBS DOWN.

"Strutter" - KISS
I wouldn't call this a tremendously popular KISS song in comparison to some of their others but on the scale of significant KISS singles, it's definitely on the list. It's also one of the most fun KISS songs on guitar so there are no complaints from me there. I was going to give this a Thumbs Down but then I revisited the chart; damn, those twin solos are something. THUMBS UP even though it's not a KISS song I'm particularly fond of.

"Surrender" - Cheap Trick
If you're going to pick a Cheap Trick song for Guitar Hero, you're definitely better off picking one of their actual Rock songs instead of their Pop shit. It's a solid track with some basic guitar throughout, perfect for early placement in the game's career mode. Whilst I personally would've preferred songs like "Stiff Competition" or "California Man", I'm not dumb enough to state that those would've been superior choices. "Surrender" is a well known Rock track that doesn't feel out of  place in GH and probably gave people a lot of fun when they played it, even if it's no "Rock This Town". THUMBS UP for not being terrible.

"Sweet Child O' Mine" - Guns N' Roses
OK, I'll say it right now. THUMBS UP. Good song? Check (even if I'm slowly falling out of love with GNR due to a certain prick on vocals). Fun chart? Check (it's fucking Slash, what did you expect?). Sensible GH choice? It's one of Rock's most iconic guitar riffs and songs, of fucking course. Good cover? Debatable; the vocalist sounds like a rougher version of Axl, which is fucking saying something, but at least the guitar tones sound perfect. All in all, good track!

"Tattooed Love Boys" - The Pretenders
One of many songs that I actually forgot was in the game. Uhh, yeah, this song sucks. It's a weird blend of New Wave and Hard Rock and I don't like it. Even if the chart is kinda fun if you're good enough to tackle the strumming rhythm, it's a poor choice for the game in my opinion. Not really a song that comes to mind when I think of Guitar Hero and if you were going to choose a Pretenders song, why not "Middle Of The Road" or "Precious"? THUMBS DOWN.

"Them Bones" - Alice In Chains
Bleh, Alice In Chains. Up there with Bush in my league of terrible Grunge bands. This song might have a sweet guitar solo but I still dislike listening to the rest of the song just to get to a brief HOPO stream sandwiched between a load of strumming. Alice In Chains have some decent tracks but nothing I feel is a must have for GH. The closest song is probably "Man In The Box", which I probably would've enjoyed more than this one...although this is a lot shorter. Either way, THUMBS DOWN. I would've been more likely to award the win if it was a Rock or Metal cover of "Dem Bones/Dry Bones".

"Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight" - Spinal Tap
Fair play Harmonix, you put a Spinal Tap song on the main setlist. Not just a random Spinal Tap song off a new album as part of a contractual obligation in order to get album DLC later down the line (totally not referencing another game there) but a well known and awesome Spinal Tap song that featured prominently in the film too! It's a shame the song has to feature so many fiddly trills and a rapid strumming outro but at least the main riff is great. The cover quality's pretty good too, especially on the main riff and lead vocals in the verse. You could argue that a Rock song by an actual band and not a parody of 80s Rock groups should've had the spot this track took up but to those people, I say there's nothing wrong with the song as its own entity. If you didn't know it was Spinal Tap, this would sound just as awesome as anything by Twisted Sister or Aerosmith. THUMBS UP.

"Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Heart" - Stone Temple Pilots
OK, first of all, stupid song title. Second, this is one of the few popular STP songs with highly active guitar so I guess it makes sense to include in the game. "Vasoline" and "Crackerman" would've been good too but there's nothing wrong with this choice, apart from the aforementioned song title. As for the chart, it's not bad. A little too much strumming for my taste but it's nowhere near as awkward as "Tattooed Love Boys" or "Misirlou" so I suppose that's something. Plus, it's a 90s song that isn't bland, one of the main (and few) issues with the GH2 setlist. For that reason and all the other ones I wrote, THUMBS UP.

"The Trooper" - Iron Maiden
The last Xbox 360 exclusive track. I've played the original in GH:SH but never the WaveGroup cover, although the charts look relatively similar. Since I hated playing this song in GH:SH, I can only assume it's just as annoying in GH2. However, it is one of Iron Maiden's most popular songs so I can understand why it was picked. However, combine the annoying chart with the fairly meh solo and poor quality cover and it pains me to end up with a THUMBS DOWN for this song. As for which Iron Maiden song I would've preferred...tough to say, as any WaveGroup cover would sound crappy, but maybe one of the shorter, less annoying songs to play just to make the painful experience less harsh than this one.

"War Pigs" - Black Sabbath
Is this the same version that was released as Rock Band DLC? I love that version and the GH2 cover sounds pretty damn similar so it's possible. Since GH1 got "Iron Man", it was either this song or "Paranoid" for GH2 and I'm glad they went with this song. It's got many, many awesome guitar sections and will likely introduce casual listeners to a song that they're less likely to know compared to Black Sabbath's other two signature songs. I'm glad they didn't edit the song down to a more tolerable length too, as this track is best enjoyed with both solos in all their glory. THUMBS UP.

"Who Was In My Room Last Night?" - The Butthole Surfers
Another fun chart that I'd very much like to revisit as future RB DLC. Whilst I'm not sure this would qualify if we're after well known Rock songs, it definitely sounds like the kind of song that'd belong in Guitar Hero. Plus, it is an incredible guitar chart and decent cover so it doesn't feel out of place from the perspective of having fun. THUMBS UP before we start talking about the band's questionable choice of name.

"Woman" - Wolfmother
Similar to "Freya", this song feels like it was chosen because it sounds like 70s Hard Rock and happens to be the band's best known single with a fun guitar melody at that point in time. But enough about the song overall, let's talk about the guitar solo. Normally, the song breaks into an organ solo (which you can hear underneath the solo in this song, if you listen closely) but WaveGroup decided to add a guitar solo so that you've got something to play instead of the main riff. The solo's OK, suitable difficulty for this point in the game's career mode and not awful to listen to, especially when compared to the organ solo. If the guitar sounded a little bit closer to the original Wolfmother guitar, I'd be tempted to say this WaveGroup cover trumps the original as the vocalist sounds less whiny than Andrew Stockdale. So, to recap, good song choice, good chart, good cover; that makes this a pretty definite THUMBS UP in my books.

"You Really Got Me" - Van Halen
Really? Out of all the Van Halen songs available, you choose their meh cover of a song by The Kinks, a band that could've been included instead? Granted this is one of Van Halen's popular songs from their debut that helped catapult them into mainstream Rock along with "Eruption" and "Runnin' For The Devil" but there's no way this should've been picked over classics of theirs like "Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love" and "Panama" if you're after mid-tier difficulty. However, despite my criticisms, there are some shining positives. For starters, it's an exceptional cover; vocals and guitar are fucking identical. Then there's the chart; whilst it might be a bit of a pain for the inexperienced player, it offers some great little HOPO sections in such a short package. Unfortunately, I still feel like this was the wrong choice for the game's Van Halen representative so it's a THUMBS DOWN I'm afraid, though not as offensive as some of the other Thumbs Down this game has offered.

"YYZ" - Rush
Believe it or not, this was my first experience with Rush and now it seems like they're fucking everywhere. Anyway, it's the last main disc song in the game and it's a belter. It's not a terrible cover (it's damn right spot on in the intro, but then the main riff starts) and it's certainly fun to play on guitar and bass. However, is it the best Rush choice for the game? In short, yes. There might be other Rush songs that are more iconic like "Tom Sawyer" and "Limelight" but you're forgetting that those would almost certainly be WaveGroup covers and if the Rock Band covers taught us anything, it's that WaveGroup cannot get Geddy's voice right. They were smart to choose a Rush song that didn't have Geddy singing, therefore saving themselves the embarrassment of attempting to copy his unique pipes. With that in mind, this song and HMX's decision to choose it get a big ol' THUMBS UP.

Well, there you have it. 33 Thumbs Up against 15 Thumbs Down. A pretty good win for the Guitar Hero 2 setlist, right there. As for why this soundtrack is so great compared to other GH games, my theory is that HMX knew that the game's engine between GH1 and GH2 had been vastly improved and wanted a soundtrack that reflected that. The first game had a lot of iconic Rock songs with a couple of modern hits peppered throughout but this game really wanted to knock the socks off players with fun riffs, epic solos and plenty of HOPOs that you didn't have to strum in order to play to enjoy.
Whilst other GH games wanted a soundtrack to reflect fun guitar charts, this game had the benefit of being the second Guitar Hero title in existence, meaning most great and obtainable Rock songs were still new to the franchise (hence GHWOR reusing two tracks from previous GH games, which really didn't help things). Anyway, even if it isn't my favourite GH to play, it certainly is one of the finest soundtracks of music game history.

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Tenology: Songs That Would Make Great Rock/Metal Covers

Sometimes, you'll hear a Rock or Pop song and think "Damn, that's good but it would sound so much better by a different band/in a different style". Well, here are ten cases where I thought exactly that! In the first of this week's blog posts, I'll be writing about ten songs that I believe would sound even better if tackled by another set of musicians, whether that means they'd faithfully record a rendition of the track with their signature sound OR they'd completely rebuild the foundations of the song from the ground up in a brand new style.
The songs I've picked to be covered by different bands come from a variety of genres so I'm not limiting the originals to JUST Rock or Pop. The cover versions will be Rock or Metal but I'm hoping at the very least, this post will introduce some viewers to a new way of thinking about music, potentially giving them more joy from hearing songs as they imagine riffs and melodies played on different instruments or with a new vocalist behind the mic.

It should go without saying that this is entirely based around my opinion and that at the time of writing this blog, none of these covers actually exist. This is a purely hypothetical post; a musical thought experiment that you may or may not agree with that is in no way meant to shit all over the original songs UNLESS I state otherwise. As a result, I might include covering bands that are no longer recording music or have had new members join that don't necessarily represent the sound that I had in mind when thinking about them covering certain songs. To make things easier, I've included a Spotify playlist of the original songs and examples of music by different bands that have been responsible for my opinions here at the bottom of this post which you can listen to once the sound of me forcefully scraping the bottom of the barrel has passed.

1. "Jesus He Knows Me" - Avenged Sevenfold
Original by Genesis (1991)

I don't mind the music of Avenged Sevenfold; to me, they're a serviceable modern Heavy Metal band with a few belters and a lot of angsty crap for teens BUT some of their bigger, louder hits with double bass drumming and furious guitar solos are great. To me, "Jesus He Knows Me" is a good Pop Rock song with a catchy melody but a little too light to enjoy to the max. Genesis did a fine job of gathering all the materials; they wrote some decent lyrics, played great melodies that suit the song well and did the best they could. HOWEVER, what the song needs is a more aggressive sound to really drive home the "fuck you" subtext the lyrics contain in their damning take on evangelical con artists.
I've always wanted to hear a Heavy Metal cover of this track with double bass and more complex guitar work to keep the momentum of the song going and I feel that Avenged Sevenfold could do a fine job of that (so could Disturbed, but they've already done a Metal cover of Genesis). Plus, I reckon the abrasive sound of M. Shadows' voice would fit into the vocal melody of this song quite well; it's not a challenging track to sing so it doesn't require a vocalist capable of falsetto or long sustained lines, just one who can carry a tune. All in all, I think an Avenged Sevenfold cover that maintains and then enhances the energy from the original could be awesome, so long as they're not TOO faithful to the point that they daren't add any guitar solos or frills.

2. "Love Lies Bleeding" - Rush
Original by Elton John (1973)

NOTE: If you're listening to this on the Spotify player, you'll need to skip to around about 5:36 to hear "Love Lies Bleeding"; you don't need to bother with "Funeral For A Friend".
This is one that I may need to rethink as to whether it'd be "better" than the original but I'd still be very interested in hearing Rush tackle this cracking Elton song, especially since the original Elton John track has many elements that are typical of your standard Rush track. The guitar tone sounds pretty damn similar to Lifeson's, the active bass screams Geddy Lee and I can imagine Geddy's voice, albeit adapted slightly to suit his vocal style.
The only thing that stops me from thinking this is cover would be a surefire success is the use of piano. Rush have definitely been known for using keys in their music (fuckin' "Tom Sawyer", anyone?) but to me, Rush are more synth and less piano. However, the piano solo could very easily be played on acoustic guitar, something Rush have done MANY times. Combine that acoustic solo with the full electric sound of Lifeson unchained (especially during the outro) and you may have a damn fine cover. For more evidence that this Glam Rock song would make a fine Prog Rock cover, seek out the Dream Theater cover of the same song.

3. "Oh Well (Part One)" - The Who
Original by Fleetwood Mac (1969)

This song has had a shitload of cover versions over the years but to me, there has yet to be a perfect version of this song. Even the Fleetwood Mac original has a tepid solo that sounds great the first couple of times but would be much better with more energy behind it. To me, the perfect version of this song must have the following features: clean acoustic guitar riffs in the intro, tight vocal melodies (none of that loose, freeform shit that some Blues artists do; keep the momentum going), heavy percussion during the breakdown, sweet licks during the electric guitar solo, MAYBE a second solo at the end instead of Part 2. To this date, I have yet to find a cover version that satisfies all of those criteria. So who do I think is capable of rising to the challenge? I don't know. Who do I think COULD have risen to the challenge before they lost their magic? The Who...or Led Zeppelin, but let's say The Who for now.
They've proven that they can play clean acoustic guitar riffs with songs like "Pinball Wizard" and "Behind Blue Eyes", Daltry and Townshend have demonstrated tight vocal performances across their back catalogue, Keith Moon knows how to make an entrance when appropriate and "Young Man Blues" from their Live At Leeds record shows they know how to play a kickass breakdown with plenty of great solos/riffs. Back in their prime, The Who could've blown this song out of the water but sadly, I doubt we'll ever get a perfect version of this song. At least we've had some great attempts by bands like Aerosmith, Tom Petty The Rockets and even The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra which, to me, arguably comes the closest.

4. "Brown Sugar" - Thin Lizzy
Original by The Rolling Stones (1971)

OK, I know for a fact that this would've been amazing. Much like everything The Rolling Stones released after 1970, "Brown Sugar" suffers from sounding bland and slow compared to Rock released around that time. However, the song has a great riff and catchy melodies, just played in the most bland possible way. This got me thinking about another song with fine riffs that was played in a boring, tiresome way; "Rosalie" - Bob Seger. If you've never heard his original version of that song, don't bother. It sucks. Even his live versions suck. Fortunately, a little Irish band named Thin Lizzy took the song and covered it for their Fighting album. Granted their studio version wasn't amazing either but when they played it live, as recorded for the Live And Dangerous record, my God. It was fan-bloody-tastic!
They sped up the tempo, added some fun little solos and brought the fucking fire. Lynott's voice sounds incredible too, easily worthy of carrying Bob Seger's lyrics. Now imagine them, on the same tour on the same stage, belting out a rendition of "Brown Sugar". Slightly sped up, heavier riffing, an actual vocalist who can sing performing instead of Mick Jagger, it would be better in every single way. But no, let's keep listening to the Rolling Stones version instead of a Rock song that actually, ya know, rocks. Woooooooooo bland sugar.

5. "Hello" - Shinedown
Original by Adele (2015)

I've said in the past that Chris Cornell could've sung an amazing cover of this track similar to the Disturbed cover of "The Sound Of Silence". However, that ain't happening until we can clone him from hair samples and lizards to fill in missing genetic details so it's time to find an alternative; a band that can bring the thunder with a vocalist who sounds sort of like Chris Cornell. Oh, hey, a band like that happens to exist! They're called Shinedown and yeah, they'd also do a great job with this song. Shinedown have shown that they can belt out Cornellian vocals ("Heroes", "Black Cadillac") but also take some time out to record sensitive, emotionally driven tracks that aren't really in the Rock genre ("Misfits", "Through The Ghost").
The main thing the cover would need is a strong vocal performance. The rest of the band can basically take the day off whilst Brent Smith does his work, although the piano could be covered with muted guitar chords...or just piano. I'm not certain if Shinedown's cover would be "better" than the original but I'd still give it a listen, provided Brent doesn't phone it in. This song would be a great opportunity for him to push himself, as I can't recall a softer Shinedown song where he really pushes himself to reach similar emotional heights that Adele does. However, based on their cover of "Simple Man" - Lynyrd Skynyrd, I don't think it'll be an impossible feat. Interestingly enough, Shinedown have actually covered "Someone Like You" - Adele in live concerts before!

6. "The Moon Upstairs" - Poison
Original by Mott The Hoople (1971)

Mott The Hoople are largely known for their Glam Rock singles such as "All The Young Dudes" and "Roll Away The Stone" released around the end of the band's career. However, before David Bowie got involved, Mott The Hoople were mostly a standard 70s Hard/Classic Rock outfit with some heavy tracks like "The Moon Upstairs". It's a good song but the mix is a little weak and the fuzzy guitar/organ combo means it's difficult to appreciate the riff when it sounds like it was recorded in a pub instead of a recording studio. A good cover of this song would keep the structure the same but basically have each instrument and vocal melody sound a lot clearer, so a band with decent production values would do a solid job.
So why Poison instead of any other Hard Rock/(Hair) Metal band? Even though Poison have been ridiculed lately for their lame music and weak guitarist, their covers album Poison'd has some solid covers of 70s/80s Rock tracks, each with clearer guitar without pissing all over the original material. I feel like Poison could do this song justice both musically and vocally, as I can imagine hearing the song's riffs played in their style and it doesn't sound bad. Of course, there are probably lesser known bands that would do an excellent job at covering this song but I wouldn't bet against Poison doing a solid job too.

7. "Don't Stop Believin'" - Billy Idol
Original by Journey (1981)

I've gone on record as saying that I think this song is overrated as fuck, even if that is a slightly overrated opinion. I do not get why everybody adores this song when it's easily one of Journey's weaker Rock songs BUT I will concede that when sped up slightly, "Don't Stop Believin'" becomes pretty awesome (just like "Night Moves" - Bob Seger and "Man In The Box" - Alice In Chains). I would love a cover version of this song slightly sped up but with similar guitar tones, which got me thinking about other 80s Rock artists who could take this song on...like Billy Idol.
Imagine a version of "Don't Stop Believin'" but with a little more of a "Rebel Yell" twist. Slightly faster and with softer vocals from Mr Idol during the verses. I'll admit that the chorus might sound weaker due to Idol's rougher singing compared to Steve Perry's but everything else from the guitar solos to the build up throughout the song would be great. I'm not sure if the piano intro would be better played on keyboard or a special guitar tone but I would still love to hear this version one day, especially since this is easily more likely than most of the others in this list.

8. "Billie Jean" - Ozzy Osbourne
Original by Michael Jackson (1982)

This blog post probably should've featured more Pop songs reimagined as Rock/Metal covers but since I'm not as familiar with Pop that's in desperate need of reworking compared to Rock, this is what you've got. However, I can say with certainty that "Billie Jean" would be a great Metal song if handled properly. Hell, many Rock/Metal bands have tried to record heavier versions of this song (and I'm not counting the terrible Chris Cornell version) and they're all relatively decent. However, I reckon that 90s era Ozzy could've rocked this song in a way none of those bands could've even touched.
Imagine the opening bass on rhythm guitar with subdued bass underneath, maybe some keys/synth accompaniments underneath. Then you've got the string melody played on lead guitar before Ozzy's vocals come in. It might not have been as tight as MJ's originals but you know the sound of Ozzy's voice with each lyric dripping out of his lips would've sounded pretty cool. Then we get to the chorus, which I believe would've translated really well into Ozzy's proper singing voice. Songs like "Miracle Man" and "Perry Mason" are proof that Ozzy could sing on occasion and when you factor in the inevitable guitar solo this cover would've got? I'll say no more.

9. "Antisocial" - Samson
Original by Trust (1980)

If you're not familiar with "Antisocial" - Trust, it's a French Hard Rock/Heavy Metal song from the 80s by the band that Iron Maiden drummer Nicko McBrain used to be in. Most people will know the French original by Trust or the English cover by Anthrax (which is a little too Punk/Thrash to me) but Trust actually recorded one with English lyrics. Same music, just without all the French words...and it sucks. Well, the chorus does. Their vocals are terrible enough to ruin the otherwise decent verses and great music. With that in mind, we need a cover of this song with music as close as possible to the original and vocals by someone who can sing them properly IN ENGLISH (although the French version is fine after a few listens).
Enter Samson! Their music sounds kinda close to Trust (particularly the guitar tones in songs like "Hunted" and "Riding With The Angels") but with a different member of Iron Maiden involved. Bruce Dickinson was with Samson before he joined Iron Maiden, channelling his best Ian Gillan imitation for most of their hits. I can imagine Bruce kicking ass covering the vocals for this song before he got into his operatic phase. Then again, I think Bruce could do justice to most songs he covered, regardless of whether it's with Iron Maiden, Samson or his solo career.

10. "Bust A Move" - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Original by Young MC (1989)

The last song in the list and there's actually some justice behind this choice, which I'll explain in a bit. Most of you will probably know the Young MC track but did you know that the bassline throughout the track was written and played by RHCP bassist Flea? You did? Well did you also know that he got paid a pathetic amount of money for his work on the song too, even claiming that the record label lied about how much work he actually did when it came to writing and playing the riff? My point is that even though the original will be more well known, I think it'd be pretty good to hear the Red Hot Chili Peppers play a Funk Rock version with Flea on bass again.
However, ignoring all the financial bullshit about this track, I reckon mid-90s RHCP would do a damn fine job of covering it. Their cover of "Love Rollercoaster" in Alt-Funk style was decent and tracks like "Give It Away" prove that the band aren't against quickfire rap-like vocals. Naturally, it wouldn't be a serious cover like some of these but then, neither are many other RHCP covers.

So that's it. I'm sure there are songs I've missed that would make amazing covers but that's what you're here for! If there are Pop/Rock/Metal songs that you think would make sweet Rock/Metal covers, let me know via Twitter or the comment section.
COMING SOON: More video game posts and (hopefully soon) album reviews.
Oh, and here's the Spotify playlist!